Created by Bkoe on 8/2/2024 in #questions
1.20.1 Forge Local hosted Server java.exe Suspended
I'll try that
6 replies
Created by Bkoe on 6/15/2024 in #questions
1.20.1 forge/NeoForge Self-Hosted Server Unresponsive
40 replies
Created by Azrian on 7/31/2024 in #questions
No playerdata after running world in SP
You could upload the player data files to a Google drive and give them read access and they can find their own player data files
42 replies
Created by Azrian on 7/31/2024 in #questions
No playerdata after running world in SP
42 replies
Created by Azrian on 7/31/2024 in #questions
No playerdata after running world in SP
Did you try creating a new single player world from scratch, launch it to load spawn, quit game, open single player game files, delete world files, copy over server world files?
42 replies
Created by Bkoe on 6/15/2024 in #questions
1.20.1 forge/NeoForge Self-Hosted Server Unresponsive
I remembered that I posted on here, pregen didn't work. I even went back to vanilla world gen and still stalling out and becoming unresponsive. I went into task manager and notice the process was listed as suspended instead of non-responsive. After researching Java a bit, I think it might be a deadlock. In task manager I'm able to "analyze wait chain" but it just tells me threads. Is there a way I can debug this? I know deadlocks kinda mean you're SOL because it could be anything but I'm not even sure it's a deadlock
40 replies
Created by Bkoe on 6/15/2024 in #questions
1.20.1 forge/NeoForge Self-Hosted Server Unresponsive
Ok I'm going to try some pregen mods and see if it's chunk loading that is causing the process to hang
40 replies
Created by Bkoe on 6/15/2024 in #questions
1.20.1 forge/NeoForge Self-Hosted Server Unresponsive
80% of my server ticks are for unsafe park so the issue could be in there, or its entities/chunk loading
40 replies
Created by Bkoe on 6/15/2024 in #questions
1.20.1 forge/NeoForge Self-Hosted Server Unresponsive
yeah I dont think its player count, mods, ram, internet speed, jvm flags or jdk
40 replies
Created by Bkoe on 6/15/2024 in #questions
1.20.1 forge/NeoForge Self-Hosted Server Unresponsive
So my client and the server would use the same thread?
40 replies
Created by Bkoe on 6/15/2024 in #questions
1.20.1 forge/NeoForge Self-Hosted Server Unresponsive
Like is it my cpu? I think 6 cores should be enough for 3 ppl....
40 replies
Created by Bkoe on 6/15/2024 in #questions
1.20.1 forge/NeoForge Self-Hosted Server Unresponsive
public ip
40 replies
Created by Bkoe on 6/15/2024 in #questions
1.20.1 forge/NeoForge Self-Hosted Server Unresponsive
the worst part about it is that it isnt consistent, sometimes I play with one of my friends for 4hrs on the server and its fine. Other times the server crashes in 10min
40 replies
Created by Bkoe on 6/15/2024 in #questions
1.20.1 forge/NeoForge Self-Hosted Server Unresponsive
so my upload speed is causing my server to hang?
40 replies
Created by Bkoe on 6/15/2024 in #questions
1.20.1 forge/NeoForge Self-Hosted Server Unresponsive
3 including myself
40 replies
Created by Bkoe on 6/15/2024 in #questions
1.20.1 forge/NeoForge Self-Hosted Server Unresponsive
If im running the server on my win 11 pc and playing on the same pc, internet shouldmt affect me right?
40 replies
Created by Bkoe on 6/15/2024 in #questions
1.20.1 forge/NeoForge Self-Hosted Server Unresponsive
No description
40 replies
Created by Bkoe on 6/15/2024 in #questions
1.20.1 forge/NeoForge Self-Hosted Server Unresponsive
local host 0 from direct connect, I have spark running live profile viewer but we all get kicked and the console doesnt take any commands so I cant run a profile or heapdump. It's a modpack that I put together myself, I've trouble shooted it and got as far as running the server 100% vanilla and the same thing is happening
40 replies