•Created by Bkoe on 8/2/2024 in #questions
1.20.1 Forge Local hosted Server java.exe Suspended
Win 11 latest forge version server process keeps getting suspended, I cant find what is causing it. It stalls out and becoming unresponsive. I went into task manager and notice the process was listed as suspended instead of non-responsive. After researching Java a bit, I think it might be a deadlock. In task manager I'm able to "analyze wait chain" but it just tells me threads. Is there a way I can debug this? I know deadlocks kinda mean you're SOL because it could be anything but I'm not even sure it's a deadlock. Nothing in latest.log and doesnt generate a crash report. Cant run spark since server is unresponsive
6 replies
•Created by Bkoe on 6/15/2024 in #questions
1.20.1 forge/NeoForge Self-Hosted Server Unresponsive
I play on the same PC that I'm hosting server and after awhile of playing the server stops responding. Console shows no errors, no crashes just window stops responding and any players get kicked with "Server connection timed out". I connect to server directly so its not internet issue. Something is causing the process to hang and I do not know how to find out what. This happens vanilla and modded. Spark for config: https://spark.lucko.me/QXwX0ZbSKt
40 replies