Created by kakk on 1/15/2025 in #❓・help
Using `@nuxtjs/strapi` with Strapi v5
As the AI suggested i had a look in .nuxt/types/imports.d.ts and like in the node modules folder for the strapi module the composable is not listed.
6 replies
Created by 『𝐘𝚘𝐢𝙻𝐨𝚔𝐢』 on 1/4/2025 in #questions
Kick/Ban when being hit by a stick?
See the example code on the linked page. You can add conditions like the stick has to have a specific name etc.
15 replies
Created by 『𝐘𝚘𝐢𝙻𝐨𝚔𝐢』 on 1/4/2025 in #questions
Kick/Ban when being hit by a stick?
Probably achievable with Skript. There is surely a damage event that you can listen to, check the item the attacker is holding and kick the victim if its a stick. https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=1004 maybe something like
on damage of player by player:
if attacker is holding stick:
kick victim
on damage of player by player:
if attacker is holding stick:
kick victim
15 replies