FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by drake’s subordinate on 12/2/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
How far is the sun?
on a rough estimate, the sun is relatively close and small. we are talking approximately 150 miles above flat earth. it is inside the dome/firmament. there is a lens effect/distortion going on (from dome) which makes it hard to triangulate Sun's exact location. This estimate is based on the go pro rocket that hit something (dome) while going straight up.
6 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by Sun God Rielr on 12/6/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
Deriving the "acceleration due to gravity"
Things fall at the same rate if their aerodynamic shape is similar so they interact with air the same way. Gravity isn't real. Things rise or fall based on things wanting to find their equilibrium. Helium will rise because its surrounded by things that are heavier than it, and nothing is keeping it locked to the ground, so it rises.
4 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by Andy on 12/3/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
Why do Southern star trails move around a point like Northern star trails . If earth is flat ?
You are located in different locations, which preclude you from seeing the entire sky. you are blocked from seeing the northern star due to perspective, the ground is blocking your view of it because you are too far away. while I imagine the sky in the south is different stars, they follow the same pattern as the northern ones, and the same astrological stuff repeats day after day, year after year. Looking at the sky has proven that the Earth is stationary. Stars, sun, and moon move, Earth is not moving.
5 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by eMBO on 12/5/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
Is flat earth falsifiable?
If you see skyscrapers going off at weird angles while far away, you probably are living on a ball. The skycrappers aren't 90 degrees to the ground.
7 replies