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Created by kinsyu on 6/22/2024 in #❓-help
createTRPCReact cannot be named without a reference to x
Hey, I have a monorepo where I have a separate package for trpc (@repo/api) which I'm trying to use on the frontend. When trying to create createTRPCReact I'm getting the following type error
The inferred type of 'trpcReact' cannot be named without a reference to '../../node_modules/@repo/api/dist/router/post'. This is likely not portable. A type annotation is necessary.
The inferred type of 'trpcReact' cannot be named without a reference to '../../node_modules/@repo/api/dist/router/post'. This is likely not portable. A type annotation is necessary.
Here's my code on the react app
import type { inferReactQueryProcedureOptions } from "@trpc/react-query";
import { createTRPCReact } from "@trpc/react-query";

import type { AppRouter } from "@repo/api";

export type ReactQueryOptions = inferReactQueryProcedureOptions<AppRouter>;

const trpcReact = createTRPCReact<AppRouter>();

export default trpcReact;
import type { inferReactQueryProcedureOptions } from "@trpc/react-query";
import { createTRPCReact } from "@trpc/react-query";

import type { AppRouter } from "@repo/api";

export type ReactQueryOptions = inferReactQueryProcedureOptions<AppRouter>;

const trpcReact = createTRPCReact<AppRouter>();

export default trpcReact;
And here's the code in the api package
import { createHTTPServer } from "@trpc/server/adapters/standalone";
import cors from "cors";

import { postRouter } from "./router/post";
import { createTRPCContext, createTRPCRouter } from "./trpc";

export const appRouter = createTRPCRouter({
post: postRouter,

// export type definition of API
export type AppRouter = typeof appRouter;

// create server
middleware: cors(),
router: appRouter,
createContext: createTRPCContext,
import { createHTTPServer } from "@trpc/server/adapters/standalone";
import cors from "cors";

import { postRouter } from "./router/post";
import { createTRPCContext, createTRPCRouter } from "./trpc";

export const appRouter = createTRPCRouter({
post: postRouter,

// export type definition of API
export type AppRouter = typeof appRouter;

// create server
middleware: cors(),
router: appRouter,
createContext: createTRPCContext,
9 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by kinsyu on 5/25/2024 in #help
onConflictDoUpdate excluded with a dynamic column
Hey, I'm trying to perform an insert where it's possible that the record already exists, therefore I'm using onConflictDoUpdate, the problem I'm running into is that I can't dynamically set the column to update, here's my current approach:
export async function editGroupSettings(
db: Db,
option: string,
groupId: number,
userId: string,
value: number,
) {
await db
groupId: groupId,
userId: userId,
[option]: value,
target: [groupAlertsConfigTable.mafiaId, groupAlertsConfigTable.userId],
set: {
[option]: sql`EXCLUDED."${option}"`,
where: and(
eq(groupAlertsConfigTable.groupId, groupId),
eq(groupAlertsConfigTable.userId, userId),

editGroupSettings(db, "minMCap", 1, "ry73wkah5ojhl76k", 2);
export async function editGroupSettings(
db: Db,
option: string,
groupId: number,
userId: string,
value: number,
) {
await db
groupId: groupId,
userId: userId,
[option]: value,
target: [groupAlertsConfigTable.mafiaId, groupAlertsConfigTable.userId],
set: {
[option]: sql`EXCLUDED."${option}"`,
where: and(
eq(groupAlertsConfigTable.groupId, groupId),
eq(groupAlertsConfigTable.userId, userId),

editGroupSettings(db, "minMCap", 1, "ry73wkah5ojhl76k", 2);
I'm getting the following error when executing this
PostgresError: column excluded.$4 does not exist
PostgresError: column excluded.$4 does not exist
4 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by kinsyu on 4/30/2024 in #questions
T3 Turbo - Run a typescript app with node
I'm using create-t3-turbo starter, only the tooling and the web app side of things. Within this turbo repo I'm trying to run a simple typescript app, I can't seem to figure out how to run it with the existing tsconfigs. All the examples I've seen either use expo start, next start or nitro.
5 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by kinsyu on 12/1/2023 in #help
There's not enough information to infer relation
I am trying to use drizzle studio but I'm running into the following issue, There is not enough information to infer relation "__public__.collectionsTable.tokens". Here's a simplified version of the schema.
export const tokensTable = mysqlTable(
tokenId: varchar('token_id', { length: 255 }).notNull(),

metadataName: varchar('metadata_name', { length: 255 }),
metadataDescription: text('metadata_description'),
collectionId: varbinary('collection_id', {
length: 42,

createdAt: timestamp('created_at', {
mode: 'string',
updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at', {
mode: 'string',

export type Token = InferSelectModel<typeof tokensTable>
export type TokenInsert = InferInsertModel<typeof tokensTable>

export const tokensRelations = relations(tokensTable, ({ one }) => ({
collection: one(collectionsTable, {
fields: [tokensTable.collectionId],
references: [],

export const collectionsTable = mysqlTable(
id: varbinary('id', {
length: 42,

name: varchar('name', {
length: 255,
description: text('description'),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at', {
mode: 'string',
updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at', {
mode: 'string',

export type Collection = InferSelectModel<typeof collectionsTable>
export type CollectionInsert = InferInsertModel<typeof collectionsTable>

export const collectionsRelations = relations(collectionsTable, ({ one, many }) => ({
tokens: many(tokensTable, {
relationName: 'collectionTokens',
export const tokensTable = mysqlTable(
tokenId: varchar('token_id', { length: 255 }).notNull(),

metadataName: varchar('metadata_name', { length: 255 }),
metadataDescription: text('metadata_description'),
collectionId: varbinary('collection_id', {
length: 42,

createdAt: timestamp('created_at', {
mode: 'string',
updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at', {
mode: 'string',

export type Token = InferSelectModel<typeof tokensTable>
export type TokenInsert = InferInsertModel<typeof tokensTable>

export const tokensRelations = relations(tokensTable, ({ one }) => ({
collection: one(collectionsTable, {
fields: [tokensTable.collectionId],
references: [],

export const collectionsTable = mysqlTable(
id: varbinary('id', {
length: 42,

name: varchar('name', {
length: 255,
description: text('description'),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at', {
mode: 'string',
updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at', {
mode: 'string',

export type Collection = InferSelectModel<typeof collectionsTable>
export type CollectionInsert = InferInsertModel<typeof collectionsTable>

export const collectionsRelations = relations(collectionsTable, ({ one, many }) => ({
tokens: many(tokensTable, {
relationName: 'collectionTokens',
In short, each collection can have multiple tokens, but each token can belong to only one collection. I haven't had any issues with this schema for around the 6 months that we've been using it, but we wanted to try out drizzle studio and ran into that issue. The database is running on Planetscale, not sure if that's relevant.
3 replies
Created by kinsyu on 5/21/2023 in #❓-help
tRPC Middleware consuming memory limit on Vercel
2 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by kinsyu on 5/21/2023 in #questions
tRPC Middleware consuming memory limit on Vercel
2 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by kinsyu on 5/12/2023 in #questions
Refresh a single React Server Componetns
I have a dashboard where I want a certain piece of data to update every 10 seconds, what's the best way to do this with Server Components? The only approach I've found is to use startTransition and router.refresh() inside a useEffect with an interval.
12 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by kinsyu on 4/26/2023 in #questions
Change return type based on value of parameters
I'm trying to change the return type of a function based on the value of the arguments passed to the function itself. I'm struggling to find the right documentation for it, could anyone point me in the right direction Here's an example of what I want:
function doSomething({user, includePfp}){
if(includePfp) return {...user, pfp: 'wow'}
return user

doSomething({user}) // returns type of User
doSomething({user, includePfp: true}) // returns type of User & {pfp: string}
function doSomething({user, includePfp}){
if(includePfp) return {...user, pfp: 'wow'}
return user

doSomething({user}) // returns type of User
doSomething({user, includePfp: true}) // returns type of User & {pfp: string}
4 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by kinsyu on 4/20/2023 in #questions
Jotai Bug?
Hey, anyone here that has worked with Jotai and is willing to lend me a quick hand about a bug I'm running into? been trying to debug this for 10h and I just don't understand. I have a simple set up that consists of three parts. 1.- API Calls to fetch an array of data 2.- atom with query that calls the data 3.- a derived atom that spreads the array and joins it with some default data ( for the sake of this example, we'll only use the data returned from the api) This is the code:
export const fetchTokens = async (get: Getter) => {
const customTokens = get(customTokensAtom)
const { data } = await<Token[]>('/api/tokens', {
console.log(data.find((v) => v.symbol.toLowerCase() === 'bnb'.toLowerCase()))
return data

export const [tokenListAtom] = atomsWithQuery((get) => {
return {
queryKey: ['tokenList_atom'],
queryFn: () => fetchTokens(get),
initialData: []

export const allTokenListAtom = atom((get) => {
console.log(get(tokenListAtom).find((v) => v.symbol.toLowerCase() === 'bnb'.toLowerCase()))
return [...get(tokenListAtom)]
export const fetchTokens = async (get: Getter) => {
const customTokens = get(customTokensAtom)
const { data } = await<Token[]>('/api/tokens', {
console.log(data.find((v) => v.symbol.toLowerCase() === 'bnb'.toLowerCase()))
return data

export const [tokenListAtom] = atomsWithQuery((get) => {
return {
queryKey: ['tokenList_atom'],
queryFn: () => fetchTokens(get),
initialData: []

export const allTokenListAtom = atom((get) => {
console.log(get(tokenListAtom).find((v) => v.symbol.toLowerCase() === 'bnb'.toLowerCase()))
return [...get(tokenListAtom)]
The issue is the following when checking in the fetchTokens function, the console log doesn't find any data, but when checking in the allTokensListAtom function, it does find a result. I have absolutely no idea how this is happening. The atoms are not being set anywhere, only being read.
2 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by kinsyu on 1/14/2023 in #questions
npx prisma migrate dev
6 replies