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DTDrizzle Team
Created by kinsyu on 5/25/2024 in #help
onConflictDoUpdate excluded with a dynamic column
Hey, I'm trying to perform an insert where it's possible that the record already exists, therefore I'm using onConflictDoUpdate, the problem I'm running into is that I can't dynamically set the column to update, here's my current approach:
export async function editGroupSettings(
db: Db,
option: string,
groupId: number,
userId: string,
value: number,
) {
await db
groupId: groupId,
userId: userId,
[option]: value,
target: [groupAlertsConfigTable.mafiaId, groupAlertsConfigTable.userId],
set: {
[option]: sql`EXCLUDED."${option}"`,
where: and(
eq(groupAlertsConfigTable.groupId, groupId),
eq(groupAlertsConfigTable.userId, userId),

editGroupSettings(db, "minMCap", 1, "ry73wkah5ojhl76k", 2);
export async function editGroupSettings(
db: Db,
option: string,
groupId: number,
userId: string,
value: number,
) {
await db
groupId: groupId,
userId: userId,
[option]: value,
target: [groupAlertsConfigTable.mafiaId, groupAlertsConfigTable.userId],
set: {
[option]: sql`EXCLUDED."${option}"`,
where: and(
eq(groupAlertsConfigTable.groupId, groupId),
eq(groupAlertsConfigTable.userId, userId),

editGroupSettings(db, "minMCap", 1, "ry73wkah5ojhl76k", 2);
I'm getting the following error when executing this
PostgresError: column excluded.$4 does not exist
PostgresError: column excluded.$4 does not exist
4 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by kinsyu on 12/1/2023 in #help
There's not enough information to infer relation
I am trying to use drizzle studio but I'm running into the following issue, There is not enough information to infer relation "__public__.collectionsTable.tokens". Here's a simplified version of the schema.
export const tokensTable = mysqlTable(
tokenId: varchar('token_id', { length: 255 }).notNull(),

metadataName: varchar('metadata_name', { length: 255 }),
metadataDescription: text('metadata_description'),
collectionId: varbinary('collection_id', {
length: 42,

createdAt: timestamp('created_at', {
mode: 'string',
updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at', {
mode: 'string',

export type Token = InferSelectModel<typeof tokensTable>
export type TokenInsert = InferInsertModel<typeof tokensTable>

export const tokensRelations = relations(tokensTable, ({ one }) => ({
collection: one(collectionsTable, {
fields: [tokensTable.collectionId],
references: [],

export const collectionsTable = mysqlTable(
id: varbinary('id', {
length: 42,

name: varchar('name', {
length: 255,
description: text('description'),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at', {
mode: 'string',
updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at', {
mode: 'string',

export type Collection = InferSelectModel<typeof collectionsTable>
export type CollectionInsert = InferInsertModel<typeof collectionsTable>

export const collectionsRelations = relations(collectionsTable, ({ one, many }) => ({
tokens: many(tokensTable, {
relationName: 'collectionTokens',
export const tokensTable = mysqlTable(
tokenId: varchar('token_id', { length: 255 }).notNull(),

metadataName: varchar('metadata_name', { length: 255 }),
metadataDescription: text('metadata_description'),
collectionId: varbinary('collection_id', {
length: 42,

createdAt: timestamp('created_at', {
mode: 'string',
updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at', {
mode: 'string',

export type Token = InferSelectModel<typeof tokensTable>
export type TokenInsert = InferInsertModel<typeof tokensTable>

export const tokensRelations = relations(tokensTable, ({ one }) => ({
collection: one(collectionsTable, {
fields: [tokensTable.collectionId],
references: [],

export const collectionsTable = mysqlTable(
id: varbinary('id', {
length: 42,

name: varchar('name', {
length: 255,
description: text('description'),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at', {
mode: 'string',
updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at', {
mode: 'string',

export type Collection = InferSelectModel<typeof collectionsTable>
export type CollectionInsert = InferInsertModel<typeof collectionsTable>

export const collectionsRelations = relations(collectionsTable, ({ one, many }) => ({
tokens: many(tokensTable, {
relationName: 'collectionTokens',
In short, each collection can have multiple tokens, but each token can belong to only one collection. I haven't had any issues with this schema for around the 6 months that we've been using it, but we wanted to try out drizzle studio and ran into that issue. The database is running on Planetscale, not sure if that's relevant.
3 replies