Module that uses fetch
I am working on making a module that will perform a fetch and update some runtime config. Using nuxt hub as an inspiration. I am running into an issue, likely because I’m trying to use a function that I define in server/utils. I don’t get any specific error, just that the module won’t load.
14 replies
Mocking auto-imported server utils in tests
I have a server util that uses a nuxt auto import. So there is no
import { dbQuery } from './db'
in my util that I want to test.
In my .test file, I thought I could do:
but the test run fails because dbQuery is not found.
I've tried using db
in the mock path, but none work.
14 replies
debugging sever with chrome inspector
Why for the life of me isn't my debugger connecting? I run
node --inspect-brk --enable-source-maps node_modules/nuxt/bin/nuxt.mjs dev --cwd=apps/equipment-manager/
and then chrome://inspect in my browser. I inspect and I jump into the debugger, press play, but breakpoints on my vue pages don't hit. SSR is enabled.5 replies
Can tailwind prefix be set on a per-layer basis?
I built a nuxt app in isolation with tailwind/shadcn components. I didn't use a tailwind prefix. Now, I have a challenge to inherit our base layer which uses tailwind prefix. What are my options to not have to add prefixes to all my app's components?
6 replies
Breaking app when awaiting composable in page setup
I have a pretty barebones use case that seems like it shouldn't be breaking things.
On my page setup, I do the following:
In my composables:
This causes the dreaded
A composable that requires access to the Nuxt instance was called outside of a plugin, Nuxt hook, Nuxt middleware, or Vue setup function.
error. I tried some of the workarounds, but was not successful. What am I missing here?14 replies
Trouble with pinia - `defineStore is not defined` when a layer containing a pinia store is called
I have been fighting this issue for awhile now, but when I have a layer in my app that is packaged separately (non-monorepo) and it uses pinia, I get errors in my app:
defineStore is not defined
-- I have tried so many things to work around this, and even have a PR that I think fixes the issue on pinia:
Maybe this is a shot in the dark, but if anyone can help me understand where/why that is failing it would be a big help. If I look in the imports.d.ts file in my app's .nuxt dir, I can see that defineStore
is exported:
I am not sure how to troubleshoot this further.8 replies
Sharing types across a custom devtool module and client
I am playing around with the devtools kit and wondering how I would create types that are part of the module but also shared to the client (app packaged within the devtools module). In the documentation regarding the custom rpc functions: it gives an example of the types with
as a filename. Later, they show these types being accessed from the sub app (client) directory. How would that work? Is there a way to bundle those types so they are auto-imported into the client app?9 replies
Debugging server locally with https
I am trying to debug some oauth stuff with my local dev server. The auth service I'm using requires the callback uri to be https, which is annoying. However, I have my dev server running over https using some self-signed certs. The trouble I'm running into is getting the debugger to attach to my local server. I would like to step through some of the server code, but from what I can tell something is amiss from my usual method to do this. I have tried several ways using vscode to no avail. I think the gotcha is that I have to start my server with sudo, since it requires port 443. Any help would be appreciated.
6 replies
How to test the side effect of a watcher function?
I have a component that looks something like this:
In my test, I'd like to assert that the change that happens in the e() function is done.
So far, I see the change that happens in the watch happen, and the side effect from running e(). However when I try to assert the textContent has changed due to the call, I am stuck.
edit: used flushPromises to pass assertion
6 replies
How would I mock a route with nuxt test-utils if I am not mounting a component?
I am trying to test a pinia store, and it relies on the useRoute composable. I am not mounting a component, and was getting undefined from the useRoute call that is made in the store I'm trying to test. Is there a workaround for that?
1 replies
nuxi typecheck returns errors from files in node_modules
A couple oddities with
nuxi typecheck
-- I find it reporting on errors that appear in my node_modules directory. Granted, its for a package that I am extending (extends
in config). But still, shouldn't it stay confined to the current application? I have tried setting the root to src
in the typecheck
npm script but it still reports on those errors.
The other thing is, those errors don't show up in my ide. I have the layer package added to the vscode ide and it doesn't report on any of the errors that nuxi typecheck does (that are contained in the node_modules dir).
Have people worked around this somehow? I imagine I could execute vue-tsc
manually6 replies
Is it possible to support top level await in route handlers?
I have a route handler (/server/routes/foo.ts) and was hoping to have a top level await outside the event handler. Is that possible? The compiler says that it's not supported since we're targeting ES2019. I also see the caveat in the docs about setting the
in the tsconfig.json file. So maybe I'm asking something that isn't doable...1 replies
Resolve a path relative to layer?
I'm trying to troubleshoot the pinia module when used from a layer, and I think it's not resolving the 'stores' directory relative to the layer. How would I resolve "stores" for example that the layer defines?
I can do this in the layer:
const resolvedPath = await resolvePath("pinia/dist/pinia.mjs");
and the proper path is returned. it is basically <apps_dir>/node_modules/<layer_dir>/node_modules/pinia/dist/pinia.mjs
I'm getting hung up how I'd find the dir:
I've tried several things.. if I create a resolver like:
within the layer/module, it gets resolved to the app dir using the layer. This may be due to the way I'm trying to develop but I don't know. I'm trying with published npm packages.25 replies
Layers and non-ESM dependencies
I am running into some issues with dependencies in my nuxt layer. Basically, in my parent project, I get some client errors like "mapbox-gl does not provide an export named 'default'". I don't see this issue when I'm running the layer in it's own playground. This appears to happen when using the built version of the layer in an external app.
Does anyone know a good way to find these issues and how I'd troubleshoot them?
3 replies
Using DataDog (dd-trace)
Has anyone had success using the dd-trace package with nuxt 3? I am trying to do some tracing, but I don't see anything happening when I
and then start the server. I have tried several methods to initialize the dd-trace package. Specifically, I would expect this to show the configuration:
This does show the trace I expect though:
I guess since the dd-trace module has to be the first thing run, the nuxi binary somehow prevents that.1 replies