Nuxt6mo ago

How to test the side effect of a watcher function?

I have a component that looks something like this:
<script setup>
const foo = ref('foo');
function e() {
$fetch('/xyz').then((data) => {
foo.value.textContent = data;
watch(foo, (node) => {
node.textContent = 'oui';

<div ref="foo" />
<script setup>
const foo = ref('foo');
function e() {
$fetch('/xyz').then((data) => {
foo.value.textContent = data;
watch(foo, (node) => {
node.textContent = 'oui';

<div ref="foo" />
In my test, I'd like to assert that the change that happens in the e() function is done. So far, I see the change that happens in the watch happen, and the side effect from running e(). However when I try to assert the textContent has changed due to the call, I am stuck. edit: used flushPromises to pass assertion
import { mountSuspended, registerEndpoint } from '@nuxt/test-utils/runtime';
import { flushPromises } from '@vue/test-utils';
import Comp from './Comp.vue';

registerEndpoint('/xyz', () => 'aasd');

describe('Comp', () => {
it('works with watchers', async () => {
await flushPromises();
const c = await mountSuspended(Comp);

// this now passes
import { mountSuspended, registerEndpoint } from '@nuxt/test-utils/runtime';
import { flushPromises } from '@vue/test-utils';
import Comp from './Comp.vue';

registerEndpoint('/xyz', () => 'aasd');

describe('Comp', () => {
it('works with watchers', async () => {
await flushPromises();
const c = await mountSuspended(Comp);

// this now passes
3 Replies
dmarrOP6mo ago
Ah, I guess flushPromises() does work here. This was an attempt for a minimal reproduction but I still have work to do in my actual file since flushPromises doesn't seem to be enough seems to be because of that weirdness with registerEndpoints not working when there are multiple endpoints being mocked, and they aren't mocked in the exact order they are called.. 😦
dmarrOP6mo ago
Maybe this boils down to a pinia issue. I have this test that is failing: https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-k48kf2?file=tests%2Fapi.test.ts Basically the fetch call in the store isn't awaited with flushPromises
David Marr
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dwol6mo ago
This is the only way I got my assertions to work when testing a watcher
await new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
expect(...assertions here)
}, 1000)
await new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
expect(...assertions here)
}, 1000)
you can change the timeout to whatever would be more appropriate for you, in this case it's a debounced watcher

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