David Sanner
SKSignal K
•Created by yarradeen on 1/29/2025 in #questions
Do you have zones defined by the older @signalk/zones plugin? I think it can cause this issue. (check AppStore installed / source under Data Browser)
To migrate zone configuration from @signalk/zones plugin to use SK server directly, under SK Data Browser, click edit and then save for each path with a zone shown . Then disable then @signalk/zones plugin.
Cleanup: after removing @signalk/zones plugin try restarting SK ... that may help but you might have to edit baseDeltas.json
Cleanup: after removing @signalk/zones plugin try restarting SK ... that may help but you might have to edit baseDeltas.json
3 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 1/26/2025 in #questions
Can someone talk me through Kip boolean control panel --> node red
I'm not sure what to tell you w/o an Andriod to test ... maybe try other platforms w/ different javascript engine? I can't even run Kip on my older ipad air however I did just test on an iphone and while the "Push" control works (pressing on button sends true) I can't get it to repeat. This issue may just be related to touch interface vs. mouse events.
21 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 1/26/2025 in #questions
Can someone talk me through Kip boolean control panel --> node red
With the new Kip boolean panel a "Push" type control sends multiple/continuous events with True. I'm seeing 5-10 per second. When released (stop pressing) it stops sending True (does not send a False). Maybe try adding a new Push type switch to make sure you're not getting any cached code?
21 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 1/26/2025 in #questions
Can someone talk me through Kip boolean control panel --> node red
Also, I've used Kip's Push (eg. to mute notification playback) and it seems to send true as fast as it can while being depressed. I'm not seeing any repeat rate control. The boolean Toggle control works well for my use case above w/ USB switching.
21 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 1/26/2025 in #questions
Can someone talk me through Kip boolean control panel --> node red
21 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by jimseng on 1/26/2025 in #questions
Can someone talk me through Kip boolean control panel --> node red
I'm controlling a usb relay with node red (allows me to enable n2k bus when testing from home). Startup read relay state and creates SK path. PUT handler accepts (true/false) input from Kip's boolean toggle, flow logic then controls relay, reads state and sends pathvalue to to update SK path.
21 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by David Sanner on 10/11/2024 in #server
David Sanner - meta data & zones issue: I have...
From the manual: "Any part of the range which is not explicitly within a zone is considered to be normal (the default)." Got it, makes sense but again would be nice to be able to control the message & method associated with a notification entering the normal state. Use case might be a relay (battery combiner) turning off or any other path returning to normal where it might be nice to get a notification of this. I guess defining a nominal zone could work but why not have control of the notification in the default state? Thanks.
1 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by David Sanner on 9/30/2024 in #server
David Sanner - zones & notifications: what are ...
@Karl-Erik Gustafsson Thanks... I was poking around there yesterday (though missed the pencil/edit) icon.
@Scott Bender Thanks as well, now I see the best way to do zones/notifications.
fyi, if it's not obvious for all, to migrate your config from the zones plugin to server/baseDeltas.json use the Data Browser and for each path with zone metadata (but not the notification paths generated by zones plugin) click edit and then save (pencil then disk icon). This transfers and saves the config from the zones plugin to baseDeltas.json which then allows the zones plugin to be disabled.
4 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by David Sanner on 9/29/2024 in #plugins-and-webapps
David Sanner - Beta testers (windows?) I'm ab...
I added the mpg123 player as an option and updated npmjs w/ the latest version. I can add other players later / as needed.
1 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by David Sanner on 9/17/2024 in #server
David Sanner - Looking at signalk-audio-notific...
Ok, first crack at a plugin. signalk-notification-player It allows user to select continuous, one time, or mute for each of these notifications: emergency, alarm, warn, alert. For continuous there's an option to run a command before and after notification.
49 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by David Sanner on 9/17/2024 in #server
David Sanner - Looking at signalk-audio-notific...
Sounds like they need to add that to the next firmware update. Hopefully that'll happen before the bug fix to my Navico GPS/Heading sensor which has a bug in the N2K (PGN 129029 always reports 0 for navigation.gnss.satellites which they seem fully uninterested in fixing).
49 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by David Sanner on 9/17/2024 in #server
David Sanner - Looking at signalk-audio-notific...
That sounds amazing / very slick, especially returning to the previous state after an event clears. I'll have to get a fusion stereo on my next boat (a year or so from now?) I'm working creating a slimmed down plugin based on yours without fusion functions but a couple of added features / controls like the ability to run a command before playing sounds and support for warning notifications.
49 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by David Sanner on 9/17/2024 in #server
David Sanner - Looking at signalk-audio-notific...
I think the fusion app is the ticket for alarms. More testing when I get back onboard. I had to install mpg123 (already had mpg321) and then it just worked. Thanks!
49 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by David Sanner on 9/17/2024 in #server
David Sanner - Looking at signalk-audio-notific...
I'll take a closer look - didn't realize it worked w/o fusion stereo. btw, I was noticing duplicate audio streams (2 aplay streams) w/ audio-notifications yesterday. Anyone else seeing/hearing this?
49 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by David Sanner on 9/17/2024 in #server
David Sanner - Looking at signalk-audio-notific...
Huh... does the fusion app track the alarm state?
49 replies