Created by Witywit on 5/24/2024 in #questions
secondary verification and unrecongized device
Im not gonna stop till they get it resolved. Its checked as resolved in reddit, which its not. To let them walk away with my account without have a care of players who spend. No way! Their policy states that they have all our details as such as keeping checks on IP Address, social media user ID, device ID, device brand and model, region where i login, login time, network connection method, transection record yet rejected. Are u guys sleeping on the job, or just bluntly rejecting claims which i have made several times? If u do need more information, i do have as mine wasnt hacked but my secondary verification was linked to my old number and my daily use device malfunctioned due to software issue which i have to get it replaced. How would i even get my device since its already been replaced with a new device. And the secondary verification was sent to my old number which i no longer use? Answered? Which part? U have done nothing yet. Im still unable to login into my account. Daily use device: SM-F*B Email linked: abdul.**@hotmail.com Mobile number linked: 9831 (secondary verification) Social media linked: Abdul H
35 replies
Created by Witywit on 5/24/2024 in #questions
secondary verification and unrecongized device
Another and yet another rejected claim. Well done pubgm. U guys achived ur ultimate goal on players who have spend on the game and simply reject their claim base on actual facts asked on ur platform. Which is urterly useless. Ask for information, yet claim rejected. Wats the point? To keep players hopes high, been too naive to have spend twice on 2 separate account and yet claim its rejected. U guys are as good as leeches...leeching off players who might have not purposely lost thier hp/email or being hacked..while streamers it take just within few days (1-2days) only..oh yea, they have viewers and we dont...they spend thousands and we spend peanuts...to pubgm players out there who are following/reading this, take note..they dont care and it seems like its not their problem..take care of ur accounts, if its being hacked or u lost ur mobile, cause u'll be login on a different device and u'll be log out...good luck..u'll have the same luck as me a 100% for sure u aint getting ur acc back. Think twice before u spend. Logging out Witywit Singapore player
35 replies
Created by Witywit on 5/24/2024 in #questions
secondary verification and unrecongized device
52011421579 Witywit
35 replies
Created by Witywit on 5/24/2024 in #questions
secondary verification and unrecongized device
My first account too, started off with 1 till 78 if i remember correctly. From first till last xsuit too. Except the leafy guy xsuit which i dont favor. Too many items there too..and a hacker happily took everything away and PUBGM support says the exact same thing..impressive security they are..👏👏
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Created by Witywit on 5/24/2024 in #questions
secondary verification and unrecongized device
Already did, and still the same thing over and over and over again. Why would legit players wanna do as such and wanna retrieved back the account..🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
35 replies
Created by Witywit on 5/24/2024 in #questions
secondary verification and unrecongized device
Cnt even access to @Moderator..what a bummer..truely disappointed in PUBGM system. Either there is a system which is not working or just bots working for them..🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
35 replies
Created by Witywit on 5/24/2024 in #questions
secondary verification and unrecongized device
Ah, a waste timer..🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ so whos the moderator? Perhaps u cn enlighten me
35 replies
Created by Witywit on 5/24/2024 in #questions
secondary verification and unrecongized device
Already did 3days ago with 0 response. Well done 👏👏 by pushing it to another team 👏👏 well done. Utterly disappointed with the poor support and poorly gauge security system. Isnt it funny, why would i go to this extend just to recover back my account that i have spent so much on. Period
35 replies
Created by Witywit on 5/24/2024 in #questions
secondary verification and unrecongized device
Perhaps u may want to drop a link where i can type down instead of me searching here and there just to write in. I've wrote into reddit before, so far there isnt any response from reddit fyi.
35 replies
Created by Witywit on 5/24/2024 in #questions
secondary verification and unrecongized device
I did and i have provided all evidance as per your submission. UC purchase info, whom i play with etc. Even the reciept i have it too if u want it. All there, still rejected. Why would i wanna put in details randomly and have it failed upon verification? Lucky me, mine wasnt a hacked account but change of secondary verification due to change of my personal number. I have no issue with my email just the secondary verification. Why is it so hard??
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Created by Witywit on 5/24/2024 in #questions
secondary verification and unrecongized device
Still doesnt work, already explained that i cant use my most used device to login with reason and in fact the criteria is to use most often use device to answer the question, else claim will be rejected. How sensible and lovely. Well done PUGM support. 👏👏 totally disappointed in ur security system. And well done to PUBGM to the many genuine players who have tried to claim back their accounts genuinely and have been rejected.
35 replies
Created by Witywit on 5/24/2024 in #questions
secondary verification and unrecongized device
@eri even when posting in official support subreddit with description, u guys did nothing. Seems like you guys love players spending $$ but to claim back our acc, seems like we're the stealer. Disappointing customer service.. truely disappointing
35 replies
Created by Kushall on 5/22/2024 in #questions
why are accounts getting hacked frequently nowadays??
Precisely, that wat happen to me on my other first account, within that 7days i personally see my acc wen from 1 person to another. The support doesnt seems like a support, more of wasting our precious time which is giving the hackers plenty of time to move things their way and end up, pubg says its not our acc
5 replies
Created by Witywit on 5/24/2024 in #questions
secondary verification and unrecongized device
Hi @zieeyy will do. Thks
35 replies