Created by Agcodex on 7/1/2024 in #❓┊help
Create Page: How to re-render component after mount and filled values from url params .
In the create create form I have values coming from the url and filled the inputs. I was able to populate the inputs but the problem is not being re render that is why the other fields that are meant to be visible are not showing even it meets the criteria to be visible.
11 replies
Created by Agcodex on 6/14/2024 in #❓┊help
How to display tables with actions inside infolist builder ?
Hello everone, I would like to ask on how you display table using infolist builder. As for my implementation, I use custom livewire component and build table inside that component and pass data parameters like the columns , query and actions. I was able to display the table. but the issue occur when I click the action, it throw the exception that query is empty, given I was able to display the table data, I never expect my query to empty. Any Ideas?
18 replies