How to display tables with actions inside infolist builder ?

Hello everone, I would like to ask on how you display table using infolist builder. As for my implementation, I use custom livewire component and build table inside that component and pass data parameters like the columns , query and actions. I was able to display the table. but the issue occur when I click the action, it throw the exception that query is empty, given I was able to display the table data, I never expect my query to empty. Any Ideas?
15 Replies
LeandroFerreira9mo ago
could you share the code?
Gerald Afable
Gerald AfableOP9mo ago
Here for my livewire component.
class TableEntry extends Component implements HasTable, HasForms
use InteractsWithForms;
use InteractsWithTable;

protected $columns = [];

protected Builder | Closure | null $query = null;
protected Closure | null $modifyQueryUsing = null;
public ?string $heading;

protected $actions = [];

public function mount(
array $columns = [],
array $actions = [],
Builder | Closure | null $query = null,
Closure | null $modifyQueryUsing,
) {
$this->columns = $columns;
$this->actions = $actions;
$this->query = $query;
$this->modifyQueryUsing = $modifyQueryUsing;

public function render()
return view('livewire.table-entry');

// getters
public function table(Table $table): Table

if ($this->modifyQueryUsing) {

return $table->paginated(false);
class TableEntry extends Component implements HasTable, HasForms
use InteractsWithForms;
use InteractsWithTable;

protected $columns = [];

protected Builder | Closure | null $query = null;
protected Closure | null $modifyQueryUsing = null;
public ?string $heading;

protected $actions = [];

public function mount(
array $columns = [],
array $actions = [],
Builder | Closure | null $query = null,
Closure | null $modifyQueryUsing,
) {
$this->columns = $columns;
$this->actions = $actions;
$this->query = $query;
$this->modifyQueryUsing = $modifyQueryUsing;

public function render()
return view('livewire.table-entry');

// getters
public function table(Table $table): Table

if ($this->modifyQueryUsing) {

return $table->paginated(false);
this is how I use it in infolist builder
Livewire::make(TableEntry::class, function ($state) {
$product = $state;
return [
'heading' => 'Components',
'columns' => [
->formatStateUsing(fn ($state) => $state * $product->qty),
'query' => ComponentProduct::query(),
'actions' => [
->label('Create JO')
'modifyQueryUsing' => fn (Builder $query) => $query->whereBelongsTo($state->product)
Livewire::make(TableEntry::class, function ($state) {
$product = $state;
return [
'heading' => 'Components',
'columns' => [
->formatStateUsing(fn ($state) => $state * $product->qty),
'query' => ComponentProduct::query(),
'actions' => [
->label('Create JO')
'modifyQueryUsing' => fn (Builder $query) => $query->whereBelongsTo($state->product)
LeandroFerreira9mo ago
instead of this ->query($this->getQuery()), try to add your model in the query ->query(YourModel::query())
Gerald Afable
Gerald AfableOP9mo ago
I am making the TableEntry Dynamic like not specific to every model, so I can reuse it in different pages,
LeandroFerreira9mo ago
ok, but does it work?
Gerald Afable
Gerald AfableOP9mo ago
yeap, my only problem is the action
LeandroFerreira9mo ago
I mean, YourModel::query() works with action?
Gerald Afable
Gerald AfableOP9mo ago
here is the sample image
No description
Gerald Afable
Gerald AfableOP9mo ago
I already added it here,
No description
LeandroFerreira9mo ago
same error when you click in the action?
Gerald Afable
Gerald AfableOP9mo ago
yes yes, when I try to dump the query before the table is return it become null, when action is click it calling again the table(Table $table) function, but my livewire properties reset to default values,
LeandroFerreira9mo ago
yes.. I've never tried this way before, but if you create a mini repo in the github reproducing this issue, I can take a look
Gerald Afable
Gerald AfableOP9mo ago
yep yep will do,
Gerald Afable
Gerald AfableOP9mo ago
Hi @Leandro Ferreira here is repo you request where you can review the code. Thanks 🙂
GitHub - agcodex01/table-entry: Filament table entry
Filament table entry. Contribute to agcodex01/table-entry development by creating an account on GitHub.
LeandroFerreira9mo ago
ok, I'll have a look ✌️

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