Create Page: How to re-render component after mount and filled values from url params .
In the create create form I have values coming from the url and filled the inputs.
I was able to populate the inputs but the problem is not being re render that is why the other fields that are meant to be visible are not showing even it meets the criteria to be visible.
8 Replies
custom LW component or Filament resource?
Filament resource in the create page
did you add this in the params? Are you using
No I am using the laravel request() to get the params value.
try this
I filling it like this
It does the same thing, It populated the inputs but not re render.
where are you re-render the component?
In my create form page, I have this field like if the category value is "X" show other fields, but when fill the input with value "X" the other fields are not showing. Do I need to dispatch an event in order to rerender the form?
I just oeveriiding the fillForm method to populate the fields