Have an upcoming unexpected surgery
Nov 10 is last day to drop for DNC
17 replies
Have an upcoming unexpected surgery
Get a doctor to write you a note (id push it before the surgery date) ! I would then make an appointment with accommodations, email all your professors and see wha t options they have for in-person classes (maybe they can send you old zoom recordings), extensions will be given, tests/quizzes will be up to the professor but likely at the test center. So it’s up to you to see if you can handle going to Seneca during tests or for in-class. I would first see the options your professors give you, to make a final decision
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Have an upcoming unexpected surgery
I also think OSAP forgives as this is a medical reason if you decide to leave the semester with proper docs. They just make you write a letter why so and so happened
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Have an upcoming unexpected surgery
This is related to a other program, but had placement I was doing. I broke a bone mid-way, I had to leave my placement (it’s credited) and finish it next semester. But all remaining classes (in person and online) were fine. I couldn’t type so I used a voice program and it went well. Had more time on exams/tests as well as writing assignments. I would get your doctor to outline what you can / cannot do (such as drive etc) maybe they will let you write your exams at home instead of the test center, but you should be ok. And cc in emails as prior user mentioned to keep a record. You will have to make an appointment with accommodations (to give docs)
17 replies
Easiest GE courses to take
Nat245 was easy. Took EAC 268 gothic horror stories never again
4 replies
Parking Situation at Newnham campus
During Winter 2023, i was at Seneca 3 times a week, never got a ticket. But I was there early 8am. Saw tickets coming out around 12-2pm. Download the “honk” app on your phone, it’s $10 a day to park for the full day, cheaper than buying a pass. Remember one week is break/study week, some classes will get go online when profs r lazy
22 replies