Created by mono on 10/25/2023 in #✋|help
Sudden gunicorn errors. App unusable.
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30 replies
Created by mono on 8/3/2023 in #✋|help
Issuing TLS certificate hangs, again...
I have this problem every time I set up an external domain. If I don't set the DNS directly, then the certification process gets stuck. Last time for 2 days and someone from the team had to restart the processes manually. It would also be great to communicate here how this process works. Is this a bug? Or what are the timings for the job. My Project: 6469b4dd-fc44-4871-b68f-501a7defe162
4 replies
Created by mono on 7/17/2023 in #✋|help
Package installation of cffi (python) fails because libffi-dev is missing
As the title says, installing cffi fails with an error. I think this is because the package libffi-dev is missing on the host. Here is the full error log:
14 replies
Created by mono on 6/29/2023 in #✋|help
External Domain SSL not working
I added an external domain and can reach my app, but the cert is wrong. It is for * and not for my domain. I tried to redeploy, but nothing changed. So, is there a way to force the recreation of Let's encrypt certs?
40 replies