Railway•15mo ago

External Domain SSL not working

I added an external domain and can reach my app, but the cert is wrong. It is for *.up.railway.app and not for my domain. I tried to redeploy, but nothing changed. So, is there a way to force the recreation of Let's encrypt certs?
31 Replies
Percy•15mo ago
Project ID: b835cb5a-ce44-430f-b967-e817594f17e4
mono•15mo ago
b835cb5a-ce44-430f-b967-e817594f17e4 Service ID: 9c7c7036-0a80-4e9f-a214-e6b089d33ac6
LaCrak27•15mo ago
Just be patient, happened to me too Wait like 5 hours
mono•15mo ago
Ok, thanks. The domain is displayed as connected in the project. Maybe it is a good idea to display the SSL state there as well.
LaCrak27•15mo ago
Welp, I'm not the team so maybe you leave our something in #🤗|feedback
Brody•15mo ago
@mono - has this worked itself out for you or are you still having SSL troubles?
mono•15mo ago
The problem still exists. I have also opened a mail ticket, but so far, there is no solution. Creating the domain again is unfortunately also not an option because the DNS settings are with my customer, and he is not happy when we go through the procedure once more. Especially since I cannot guarantee that it will be faster this time.
Brody•15mo ago
what domain provider are you using?
mono•15mo ago
it is not my provider. it is the provider from my client
Brody•15mo ago
okay lets not be pedantic now
mono•15mo ago
i don't know, why is this important?
Brody•15mo ago
because some domain providers dont support root level cnames, if you dont use a cname you get SSL errors
mono•15mo ago
The CNAME works, but there is no Cert for this domain. If I ignore the cert, everything is fine
Brody•15mo ago
do you mind sharing the domain?
mono•15mo ago
dig baugebiete.amt-suederbrarup.de ; <<>> DiG 9.10.6 <<>> baugebiete.amt-suederbrarup.de ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 52096 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1 ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;baugebiete.amt-suederbrarup.de. IN A ;; ANSWER SECTION: baugebiete.amt-suederbrarup.de. 3600 IN CNAME 0bvxkxfp.up.railway.app. 0bvxkxfp.up.railway.app. 300 IN A ;; Query time: 71 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Thu Jun 29 20:39:59 CEST 2023 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 112 it is exactly the same as on other "working" domains.
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