Created by grandknight on 7/1/2024 in #❓・help
Issue with Vite Build Not Including Dependent Components in UMD Format
Hello everyone, I'm working on a monorepo with two Nuxt3 applications: shadcn-components and my-components-library. - shadcn-components: Contains basic UI components. - my-components-library: Contains custom components built using shadcn-components. These projects are connected using the Nuxt Layers feature. I aim to build my-components-library into a UMD format using Vite for use in my Python web app. Problem: When building my-components-library with Vite, the resulting UMD file includes definitions for its own components but not for those from shadcn-components. Instead, I see references like resolveComponent('UiButton') without actual definitions. Questions: 1. How can I configure Vite to include components from shadcn-components in the UMD build? 2. Is there a Vite configuration or plugin to resolve and bundle these external components? 3. Has anyone faced this issue and found a solution? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!
1 replies
Created by grandknight on 7/1/2024 in #❓・help
How to include external project's component when building library using Vite?
I'm facing this issue in my monorepo.
1 replies
Created by grandknight on 7/1/2024 in #❓・help
In Nuxt3, Library Build Doesn't working correctly (UMD format)
Hello community! I'm building my component library (UMD) which will be consumed in python framework. I'm building it using Nuxt3 with Layers feature in my monorepo. In my project, some components reference components of ../shadcn-components. I'm building this library using Vite. But when I build, it doesn't work correctly. In the .umd file, I can't find any definitions about the components, they just show declarations with resolveComponents('UiButton'). How can I resolve this? Thanks.
1 replies
Created by grandknight on 6/28/2024 in #❓・help
Shadcn-vue Error in Nuxt3 Monorepo App
No description
1 replies
Created by grandknight on 6/24/2024 in #❓・help
Is it Possible to Build both normal Nuxt app and Component Library in one config file?
I'm going to build component library in normal nuxt app. I've already setup vite.config.ts file to build component library. But it says, Nuxt doesn't support vite.config.ts with nuxt.config.ts. How can I achieve this?
8 replies