Issue with Vite Build Not Including Dependent Components in UMD Format

Hello everyone, I'm working on a monorepo with two Nuxt3 applications: shadcn-components and my-components-library. - shadcn-components: Contains basic UI components. - my-components-library: Contains custom components built using shadcn-components. These projects are connected using the Nuxt Layers feature. I aim to build my-components-library into a UMD format using Vite for use in my Python web app. Problem: When building my-components-library with Vite, the resulting UMD file includes definitions for its own components but not for those from shadcn-components. Instead, I see references like resolveComponent('UiButton') without actual definitions. Questions: 1. How can I configure Vite to include components from shadcn-components in the UMD build? 2. Is there a Vite configuration or plugin to resolve and bundle these external components? 3. Has anyone faced this issue and found a solution? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!
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