Created by deetstrab on 12/1/2024 in #❓・help
Dynamic Nuxt Form Validation
Looking for some help/guidance with NuxtUI custom form validation. I've got most of my form all wired up to validation and working properly, but the "dynamic" pieces are still a mystery. I have a form section where the end user can create infinite "resources" as a new group of input fields. Each of those resources has specific validation rules for its respective form controls. Not sure how to wire this up and I'm not seeing anything in the documentation. Can anyone point me in the right direction, please?
10 replies
Created by deetstrab on 6/30/2024 in #❓・help
Reactively add/remove a class name to <body>, from within a component...
I have a component with a boolean ref. As long as myBool.value === true, I'd like to bind a class name to <body>. I've attempted to use the useMeta and useMetaSafe composables (useHead > bodyAttrs.class) but it doesn't change reactively. Any idea what the heck I'm missing? This is driving me nuts and the documentation makes it sound relatively simple.
45 replies