Created by HeadUp on 6/25/2024 in #questions
I need some help!
I made an e-mail a few days ago and sent it to Pubg Support, as my account was banned unjustly and today a few minutes ago I received an e-mail to connect to my account by e-mail the address I put or by code, but it doesn't work ! It still shows me that I am banned!
6 replies
Created by HeadUp on 6/21/2024 in #questions
Account banned for no reason, please HELP!
We are the team who qualify from 2 place on UK server for PMES. My account 》crzHeadUp《:5180986001 I played yesterday night wow's after one tournament and today I have ban on the account. It is somebody from your server who can check what's the problem please? I never play with hack and will never do. Next week we have games on 24-26 June and now I have ban for no reason. Please forward the message to somebody who can help please. Thank you and have a good day!
20 replies