Created by Benjámin on 4/4/2024 in #❓┊help
Conditional filter rendering by $activeTab
Hello! I'm using the active tab to decide visibility like here and here. The difference, that I'm using it for a filter, not action, and only a single filter, not all the filters.
->visible(fn ($livewire): bool => ! $livewire->activeTab)
->visible(fn ($livewire): bool => ! $livewire->activeTab)
My problem is, that it seems like the $livewire->activeTab changes after the page is reloaded. I use "" for the All page, and if I load the page, the status selector is visible, like it should be. If I change to one of the tabs, the page reloads, but the selector is still visible. After the second change it disappears. If I go back to the All, it's not visible, if I change again, it's visible, etc.... Do you guys have any idea what could be the problem, and how can I solve it?
6 replies
Created by Benjámin on 3/21/2024 in #❓┊help
Multi-tenancy without slug in the url
Hi! How would you approach multi-tenancy without the url slug? Might use session Instead or database with a has one of many relation that changes when user change tenant. I know I might need to overwrite some stuff, but where would you guys start?
2 replies
Created by Benjámin on 3/18/2024 in #❓┊help
Multi tenancy Dashboard redirect loop
I'm trying to work with multi tenancy in my application. The tenant model is called Account, and I set it on my PanelProvider like so:
return $panel
->tenant(Account::class, slugAttribute: 'slug');
return $panel
->tenant(Account::class, slugAttribute: 'slug');
(There is no ->path(...), the whole application is filament.) Works perfectly with the slugs like example.test/tenant. Subdomains are cool, so I wanted to make tenant.example.test instead, so I tryed:
return $panel
->tenant(Account::class, slugAttribute: 'slug')
return $panel
->tenant(Account::class, slugAttribute: 'slug')
It didn't work, I got "The page isn’t redirecting properly" error, I tried to figure out why. On default I run local projects with laragon (working on Windows 11 btw), but I made it work previously for another project, but I couldn't make it work this time. After some time I gave up with Laragon and tried to run it with php artisan serve --host="example.test". Same problem, but I found out that only the Dashboard throws this error, so I opened up the vendor folder and tried to catch the error. I ended up with the RedirectToTenantController, and this controller redirects every time to the same url.
$url = $panel->getUrl($tenant);
dd($url, url()->current()); // This is both: 'http://tenant.example.test'
return redirect($url);
$url = $panel->getUrl($tenant);
dd($url, url()->current()); // This is both: 'http://tenant.example.test'
return redirect($url);
I only had a custom widget on the dashboard, I commented it, also commented ->discoverWidgets(). I even tried to make a brand new project with only these details, but same happened. What am I missing, or what could be the problem, and how can I solve it?
4 replies
Created by Benjámin on 12/12/2023 in #❓┊help
Global Search With Spatie Settings
Hi! Can I use the Global Search with Pages ? Especially with the Filament Spatie Settings so users can search for the keys or the values of the setting?
2 replies
Created by Benjámin on 11/14/2023 in #❓┊help
Saving relationships when creating record with Repeater
I have an already working application with Filament v2, Laravel 9, PHP 8.0. There's a Model called Menu. A Menu could be available on a given week, so when you create a Menu you have to assign Offers to it, and also Meals to the Offers, which is set on the Dish Model with the price and an active toggle. So that's Menu hasMany Offer, Offer hasMany Dish, Dish belongsToMany Meal. This was already working well with 7 weekdays, but now there's a request to make it work with any amount of days, even like only weekends. Let me show you the essential parts of the code.
// ->required() Not anymore
->options(Meal::all()->pluck('nameWithPrice', 'id')),
// ->required() Not anymore
->options(Meal::all()->pluck('nameWithPrice', 'id')),
I know the Repeater could be used like... Add an item, then choose which day, than add another if wanted, but we want to keep these 7 items fixed, it works better UX wise. How can I tell the Repeater somehow, that it should only save the Offer when that meal_id on the Grid::relationship('dish') exists? I tried to solve this with ->saveRelationshipsUsing(), but no luck so far.
6 replies
Created by Benjámin on 9/26/2023 in #❓┊help
SelectAction state change action
What does SelectAction call when the selection change? I'm trying to solve model versioning with it, so after the selection i'd redirect the user to the given version, how can I implement this?
->options(function (Offer $record) {
return $record->previousVersions();
->afterStateUpdated(function ($state) {
// Tried this method, but it doesn't exist.
->options(function (Offer $record) {
return $record->previousVersions();
->afterStateUpdated(function ($state) {
// Tried this method, but it doesn't exist.
8 replies
Created by Benjámin on 4/28/2023 in #❓┊help
Using filament components in custom livewire component
6 replies
Created by Benjámin on 4/24/2023 in #❓┊help
Filament Table + Livewire UI Custom Modal
Hi! I have a Livewire Component which InteractsWithTable:
class Index extends Component implements HasTable
use InteractsWithTable;

public $wedding_id; // This is from URL query string
protected Wedding $wedding;

public function mount(): void
$this->wedding = Wedding::findOrFail($this->wedding_id);

protected function getTableQuery(): Builder
return $this->wedding->budgetItemsQuery();

// This function only returns a Builder in the model like this:
// public function budgetItemsQuery(): Builder
// {
// return Item::where('budget_id', $this->budget->id);
// }

protected function getTableColumns(): array
return [

protected function getTableActions(): array
return [
->action(function () {
return $this->emit('openModal', 'item.edit');
class Index extends Component implements HasTable
use InteractsWithTable;

public $wedding_id; // This is from URL query string
protected Wedding $wedding;

public function mount(): void
$this->wedding = Wedding::findOrFail($this->wedding_id);

protected function getTableQuery(): Builder
return $this->wedding->budgetItemsQuery();

// This function only returns a Builder in the model like this:
// public function budgetItemsQuery(): Builder
// {
// return Item::where('budget_id', $this->budget->id);
// }

protected function getTableColumns(): array
return [

protected function getTableActions(): array
return [
->action(function () {
return $this->emit('openModal', 'item.edit');
The emit function should open another Livewire component:
use LivewireUI\Modal\ModalComponent;

class Edit extends ModalComponent
public function render()
return view('livewire.item.edit'); // Only contains a div with some text so far.
use LivewireUI\Modal\ModalComponent;

class Edit extends ModalComponent
public function render()
return view('livewire.item.edit'); // Only contains a div with some text so far.
When I click on the Action, I have an error pointing on the variable in the
Typed property $wedding must not be accessed before initialization
Typed property $wedding must not be accessed before initialization
Tried to replace the code in the function to:
return Item::query();
return Item::query();
and the modal works fine, but I need to filter for the appropriate Items. What am I missing? Any other improvements, that I can make? Thanks
7 replies