Filament Table + Livewire UI Custom Modal

Hi! I have a Livewire Component which InteractsWithTable:
class Index extends Component implements HasTable
use InteractsWithTable;

public $wedding_id; // This is from URL query string
protected Wedding $wedding;

public function mount(): void
$this->wedding = Wedding::findOrFail($this->wedding_id);

protected function getTableQuery(): Builder
return $this->wedding->budgetItemsQuery();

// This function only returns a Builder in the model like this:
// public function budgetItemsQuery(): Builder
// {
// return Item::where('budget_id', $this->budget->id);
// }

protected function getTableColumns(): array
return [

protected function getTableActions(): array
return [
->action(function () {
return $this->emit('openModal', 'item.edit');
class Index extends Component implements HasTable
use InteractsWithTable;

public $wedding_id; // This is from URL query string
protected Wedding $wedding;

public function mount(): void
$this->wedding = Wedding::findOrFail($this->wedding_id);

protected function getTableQuery(): Builder
return $this->wedding->budgetItemsQuery();

// This function only returns a Builder in the model like this:
// public function budgetItemsQuery(): Builder
// {
// return Item::where('budget_id', $this->budget->id);
// }

protected function getTableColumns(): array
return [

protected function getTableActions(): array
return [
->action(function () {
return $this->emit('openModal', 'item.edit');
The emit function should open another Livewire component:
use LivewireUI\Modal\ModalComponent;

class Edit extends ModalComponent
public function render()
return view('livewire.item.edit'); // Only contains a div with some text so far.
use LivewireUI\Modal\ModalComponent;

class Edit extends ModalComponent
public function render()
return view('livewire.item.edit'); // Only contains a div with some text so far.
When I click on the Action, I have an error pointing on the variable in the
Typed property $wedding must not be accessed before initialization
Typed property $wedding must not be accessed before initialization
Tried to replace the code in the function to:
return Item::query();
return Item::query();
and the modal works fine, but I need to filter for the appropriate Items. What am I missing? Any other improvements, that I can make? Thanks
3 Replies
Benjámin15mo ago
up, please?
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin15mo ago
i dont really understand why you would use wireui we have a whole modal system you can use
protected function getTableActions(): array
return [
protected function getTableActions(): array
return [
or create a custom action with a modal form
Benjámin15mo ago
I didn't know I could use it like that, thanks! EditAction works fine, and the other part of the question got solved by going with public property instead of protected.