I need some help choosing glasses

Sorry I couldn’t take better photos, was in store and a bit ashamed
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13 Replies
F2n3x5d ago
Also, can you help me figuring out wtf is my face shape
The Real Digs ™
First look a little john lennon-y but good on you, i think i prefer the second pair tho
F2n3x5d ago
Is looking like John Lennon a good thing, a bad thing or just a thing ?
The Real Digs ™
Just a thing haha. Not bad nor good but i wouldnt be surprised if you get compared to him with those glasses. The way you take that is up to how you feel about john lennon lol Again i do think they look nice on you
aud5d ago
both look nice but I am digging the first pair a little more!
Spuck5d ago
Both look good, I prefer 2
aewa5d ago
second glasses looks like the "boss baby glasses"
eggtart!4d ago
2nd one is cute hard to tell bc i like the 2nd style on myself LOL but 1 is good too
Yakkeks4d ago
I feel like the size is just ever so slightly off on no 1 for me. Sometimes stores have the same model in different sizes, maybe ask about that But I still like the style of no 1 in general
F2n3x4d ago
I'm trying to find glasses that look a bit less nerdy I'm trying to look less nerdy overall And I've had these glasses for like 6/7 years And I'm a bit sick of them
zeometer4d ago
i wouldn't want to define appearance in subtractive terms (to be "less nerdy" especially since nerdiness can mean different things to different people) what would you want to look like? or if you aren't sure and just want to change, what's the bigger change?
jimi3d ago
I think the rounder frames really work on you. Maybe try out different sizes and materials? Oliver peoples has really nice round acetate frames that would be a bit of a different look from the metal while still looking good with your face shape
F2n3x2d ago
I will go out this weekend to try some new frames