Trouser Check

Revamping the work wardrobe after telling myself to hold off for years as I wanted to wait to cut weight first, but realistically ain’t happening. Took my measurements (waist, hip, thigh, inseam) and ordered some trousers in various fit/sizes from Spier & Mackay. Could I get a fit check? I’ve traditionally warn exclusively slim tapered fit that was definitely a bit too tight & trying to really focus on proper fit. Original 3 photos are 36 - Contemporary fit. Commented 5 photos are 38 - Slim Fit. Contemporary 36’s fit the waist close to perfectly, while the 38s are pretty large. I’ve typically struggled with smaller waist/ bigger thigh fit, so I thought I’d have to go 38s & take the waist in, but I actually think the 36s fit better all around and only need to get the length hemmed. Thanks in advance 🫡
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8 Replies
Enleigh5d ago
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kyn5d ago
36 looks too tight in the waist/seat based on how the pockets are gapping
kyn5d ago
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Enleigh5d ago
Thanks - super helpful! Best option then would be to have the waist taken in on the 38s (+ hem at the bottom)? Working with a bit of space there
hwateber5d ago
If you’re like me and have a higher hip to waist ratio, I found that higher rise trousers reduced pocket flare a lot because the they sit higher than your waist
awburkey5d ago
I generally do this if I have to get pants from Spier. Size up and have the waist taken in
Enleigh4d ago
Cool, thanks! Side note but you mentioned “have to” get pants from them. Do you have a go to in the $100-200 price range that you have a better experience with? I see lots of vintage PRL in my searches that people recommend off eBay, but still trying to figure out how things truly fit based on my own measurements before ordering on ebay. In a major city, so not many constraints on accessibility
awburkey4d ago
Yeah I normally go eBay these days and then go to a tailor for any adjustments that I might need. I go with Spier when time is a constraint generally. Like I needed a tux for a wedding this month and I started looking on eBay in like Jan but didn’t find anything that I liked so I grabbed a tux from Spier and had some adjustments made in early June. I know how Spier fits me as well and what adjustments I need from their OTR stuff