Do you buy clothes as individual pieces or outfits?

When you buy clothes, do you have a plan for what kind of outfit that it would go with? Or do you just buy a piece because it looks/feels good on its own and you decide what you intend to wear it with later?
8 Replies
bishopcorrigan16mo ago
Mostly I buy stuff that I’ve been feeling a need for, like I’ve been getting dressed and thought “wow this would be so much better with x” But if I come across something really cool that I know I can make work I’ll go that way too
Carney16mo ago
Not so much recently but I tend to impulse buy a lot so usually it's just because I like the thing and then I figure it out later
eggtart!16mo ago
I can't like visualize multiple outfits at once but if I like the piece, it almost certainly slots into at least one 'archtypes' my fit tends to fall into It def feels like I'm leapfrogging a bit, bc when I actually put stuff on I can start thinking what I like or don't like
baek16mo ago
I don't like buying clothes unless I have a very clear idea of what outfits I can create with it. But that's been after impulse buying for a while (and lots of regrets lol).
werkinprogress16mo ago
I definitely try and imagine a piece's place in my wardrobe before grabbing it. Before I had a concrete sense of style though, I was constantly grabbing shit I thought looked cool
Yeah I like to try and imagine how a piece would be worn day to day before purchasing. The other thing I do is try and work out whether it’d be an addition to the wardrobe, or merely a substitute for something I already have and wear often Hence no more brown jackets for me 😂
Woolf16mo ago
Yeah, I buy as individuals that I can incorporate into an outfit that I haven't yet come up with. Everything I buy works well with what I have currently and I'm sticking to that formula.
sioku16mo ago
i honestly can't imagine buying something without any idea (even a small one) of how i'd wear it there's usually something i know i can do with it

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