Created by Carney on 10/23/2023 in #fashion-discussion
What's in your pockets?
Curious to see what you all are carrying around on a day to day. Do you keep stuff in your pockets or do you have a bag to carry them in? Does what you carry change depending on the outfit?
18 replies
Created by Carney on 9/26/2023 in #fashion-discussion
how much is too much?
The more I read here, it's fairly obvious I'm basically stuck in time and not on-trend, which I'm 100% good with, because I've found a look that I enjoy and works for me and I'm happy with it. For those of you who are always on the newest trend and keep up with the changing fashion, do you just accumulate a ton of stuff over the years? My look is relatively simple and I've downsized my closet a lot over the years and the stuff I've kept are items I feel are more 'classic' or 'quality' (whatever that means) that are likely to last me a while. I'm left with probably a couple dozen pairs of jeans, about 70ish t-shirts, and maybe 80 miscellaneous shirts/sweaters/jackets/non-denim pants. Then there's my athletic stuff - probably 50 pieces altogether between tops and bottoms there. I don't live in a place with much real weather, so I can't imagine what it'd be like if there were actual seasons here. Do you guys just have massive walk-in closets for all your stuff?
68 replies
Created by Carney on 9/20/2023 in #fashion-discussion
No love for slim fits?
Seems like most people really dislike slimmer fitting clothing these days. Personally I think slimmer cut clothes most times just have a cleaner and more refined look, at least on myself. Definitely a lot of people out there who make the loose/boxy/baggy look work. Maybe something to do with my age (late 30s) or my size - I'm a relatively short guy (28-29 inch inseam) and in decent shape. Boxy and loose just looks sloppy and unflattering on me. I'm happy with my current look and don't plan on changing it anytime soon, but just curious to see if there are any others here who prefer slimmer cuts for their clothes? Did I miss the style train and get left behind?
322 replies