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All posts for Digitomize
#1018: Implementing Backend Route for Statistics Update
#1030: feat: backend for challenges
#1037: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1038: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#1046: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1047: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#1048: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 5 updates
#1049: docs: add redtrib3 as a contributor for code
#1050: Fix #1043 - Phone Number Parsing Error
#1051: Bump prettier from 3.1.0 to 3.3.3
#1052: fix: issue #1054 styling in dashboard career
#1056: [Bug]: make 'Blogs' option visible in the navigation bar in portrait display.
#1058: [Bug]: Click Here" Button Not Working on Contests Page
#1059: [Feature]: Integrate GitHub Repositories Fetch Feature
#1061: toast-repetition resolved
#1062: fix: issue #1056 -make 'Blogs' option visible in the navigation bar in portrait display
#1063: Bump husky from 9.0.11 to 9.1.5
#1064: [Bug]: Popup should be closed after user hit the save button!
#1066: [Feature]: Add 'Unstop' coding platform for contests as well
#1067: Fixed - Popup should be closed after user hit the save button! #1064
#1075: [Bug]: Show Password Icon Not Visible in Dark Theme
#1076: [Bug]: Expired Challenges Not Automatically Hidden
#1077: Feature: Add a Filter Option for Active and Expired contests
#1078: [Feature]: Add active state styling to top nav bar for subpages under /contest path
#1079: Add active state styling for "Contest" button on subpages under /contest path
#1082: add hover to skills tag on profile
#1034: [Feature]: Add facility to view the password
#1037: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1038: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#1039: [Feature]: Redesign of the current logo
#1040: [Feature]: Integrating Docker into the project
#1042: [Bug]: New User Registration Form: Incorrect Rendering
#1043: [Bug]: Phone number parsing error
#1044: [Feature]: Implement Weekly Contest Email Notifications
#1046: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1047: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#1048: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 5 updates
#1049: docs: add redtrib3 as a contributor for code
#1050: Fix #1043 - Phone Number Parsing Error
#1051: Bump prettier from 3.1.0 to 3.3.3
#1052: fix: issue #1054 styling in dashboard career
#1054: [Feature]: Fix styling in dashboard career
#1055: Make the Navbar visible again on scrolling up
#1056: [Bug]: make 'Blogs' option visible in the navigation bar in portrait display.
#1058: [Bug]: Click Here" Button Not Working on Contests Page
#1059: [Feature]: Integrate GitHub Repositories Fetch Feature
#1061: toast-repetition resolved
#1062: fix: issue #1056 -make 'Blogs' option visible in the navigation bar in portrait display
#1063: Bump husky from 9.0.11 to 9.1.5
#1064: [Bug]: Popup should be closed after user hit the save button!
#1065: syntax error in greeting.yml solved!
#1066: [Feature]: Add 'Unstop' coding platform for contests as well
#1067: Fixed - Popup should be closed after user hit the save button! #1064
#1068: Added Blogs link to mobile navigation for portrait mode
#1070: github integration
#1072: Animations contest page
#1034: [Feature]: Add facility to view the password
#1037: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1038: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#1039: [Feature]: Redesign of the current logo
#1040: [Feature]: Integrating Docker into the project
#1042: [Bug]: New User Registration Form: Incorrect Rendering
#1043: [Bug]: Phone number parsing error
#1044: [Feature]: Implement Weekly Contest Email Notifications
#1046: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1047: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#1048: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 5 updates
#1049: docs: add redtrib3 as a contributor for code
#1050: Fix #1043 - Phone Number Parsing Error
#1051: Bump prettier from 3.1.0 to 3.3.3
#1052: fix: issue #1054 styling in dashboard career
#1054: [Feature]: Fix styling in dashboard career
#1055: Make the Navbar visible again on scrolling up
#1056: [Bug]: make 'Blogs' option visible in the navigation bar in portrait display.
#1058: [Bug]: Click Here" Button Not Working on Contests Page
#1059: [Feature]: Integrate GitHub Repositories Fetch Feature
#1061: toast-repetition resolved
#1062: fix: issue #1056 -make 'Blogs' option visible in the navigation bar in portrait display
#1063: Bump husky from 9.0.11 to 9.1.5
#1064: [Bug]: Popup should be closed after user hit the save button!
#1066: [Feature]: Add 'Unstop' coding platform for contests as well
#1072: Animations contest page
#1034: [Feature]: Add facility to view the password
#1037: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1038: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#1039: [Feature]: Redesign of the current logo
#1040: [Feature]: Integrating Docker into the project
#1042: [Bug]: New User Registration Form: Incorrect Rendering
#1043: [Bug]: Phone number parsing error
#1044: [Feature]: Implement Weekly Contest Email Notifications
#1046: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1047: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#1048: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 5 updates
#1049: docs: add redtrib3 as a contributor for code
#1050: Fix #1043 - Phone Number Parsing Error
#1051: Bump prettier from 3.1.0 to 3.3.3
#1052: fix: issue #1054 styling in dashboard career
#1054: [Feature]: Fix styling in dashboard career
#1055: Make the Navbar visible again on scrolling up
#1056: [Bug]: make 'Blogs' option visible in the navigation bar in portrait display.
#1058: [Bug]: Click Here" Button Not Working on Contests Page
#1059: [Feature]: Integrate GitHub Repositories Fetch Feature
#1061: toast-repetition resolved
#1062: fix: issue #1056 -make 'Blogs' option visible in the navigation bar in portrait display
#1063: Bump husky from 9.0.11 to 9.1.5
#1064: [Bug]: Popup should be closed after user hit the save button!
#1065: syntax error in greeting.yml solved!
#1066: [Feature]: Add 'Unstop' coding platform for contests as well
#1067: Fixed - Popup should be closed after user hit the save button! #1064
#1070: github integration
#1034: [Feature]: Add facility to view the password
#1037: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1038: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#1039: [Feature]: Redesign of the current logo
#1040: [Feature]: Integrating Docker into the project
#1042: [Bug]: New User Registration Form: Incorrect Rendering
#1043: [Bug]: Phone number parsing error
#1044: [Feature]: Implement Weekly Contest Email Notifications
#1046: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1047: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#1048: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 5 updates
#1049: docs: add redtrib3 as a contributor for code
#1050: Fix #1043 - Phone Number Parsing Error
#1051: Bump prettier from 3.1.0 to 3.3.3
#1052: fix: issue #1054 styling in dashboard career
#1054: [Feature]: Fix styling in dashboard career
#1055: Make the Navbar visible again on scrolling up
#1056: [Bug]: make 'Blogs' option visible in the navigation bar in portrait display.
#1058: [Bug]: Click Here" Button Not Working on Contests Page
#1059: [Feature]: Integrate GitHub Repositories Fetch Feature
#1061: toast-repetition resolved
#1062: fix: issue #1056 -make 'Blogs' option visible in the navigation bar in portrait display
#1063: Bump husky from 9.0.11 to 9.1.5
#1064: [Bug]: Popup should be closed after user hit the save button!
#1066: [Feature]: Add 'Unstop' coding platform for contests as well
#1067: Fixed - Popup should be closed after user hit the save button! #1064
#1068: Added Blogs link to mobile navigation for portrait mode
#1069: Click Here Button Issue Solved
#1070: github integration
#1032: [Feature]: Open Blogs in a New Tab in Digitomize
#1033: [Feature]: Automatic Comment on Pull Request Raised
#1034: [Feature]: Add facility to view the password
#1037: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1038: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#1039: [Feature]: Redesign of the current logo
#1040: [Feature]: Integrating Docker into the project
#1042: [Bug]: New User Registration Form: Incorrect Rendering
#1043: [Bug]: Phone number parsing error
#1044: [Feature]: Implement Weekly Contest Email Notifications
#1046: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1047: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#1048: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 5 updates
#1049: docs: add redtrib3 as a contributor for code
#1050: Fix #1043 - Phone Number Parsing Error
#1051: Bump prettier from 3.1.0 to 3.3.3
#1052: fix: issue #1054 styling in dashboard career
#1054: [Feature]: Fix styling in dashboard career
#1055: Make the Navbar visible again on scrolling up
#1056: [Bug]: make 'Blogs' option visible in the navigation bar in portrait display.
#1058: [Bug]: Click Here" Button Not Working on Contests Page
#1059: [Feature]: Integrate GitHub Repositories Fetch Feature
#1061: toast-repetition resolved
#1062: fix: issue #1056 -make 'Blogs' option visible in the navigation bar in portrait display
#1063: Bump husky from 9.0.11 to 9.1.5
#1064: [Bug]: Popup should be closed after user hit the save button!
#1065: syntax error in greeting.yml solved!
#1066: [Feature]: Add 'Unstop' coding platform for contests as well
#1067: Fixed - Popup should be closed after user hit the save button! #1064
#1068: Added Blogs link to mobile navigation for portrait mode
#1032: [Feature]: Open Blogs in a New Tab in Digitomize
#1033: [Feature]: Automatic Comment on Pull Request Raised
#1034: [Feature]: Add facility to view the password
#1037: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1038: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#1039: [Feature]: Redesign of the current logo
#1040: [Feature]: Integrating Docker into the project
#1042: [Bug]: New User Registration Form: Incorrect Rendering
#1043: [Bug]: Phone number parsing error
#1044: [Feature]: Implement Weekly Contest Email Notifications
#1046: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1047: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#1048: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 5 updates
#1049: docs: add redtrib3 as a contributor for code
#1050: Fix #1043 - Phone Number Parsing Error
#1051: Bump prettier from 3.1.0 to 3.3.3
#1052: fix: issue #1054 styling in dashboard career
#1054: [Feature]: Fix styling in dashboard career
#1055: Make the Navbar visible again on scrolling up
#1056: [Bug]: make 'Blogs' option visible in the navigation bar in portrait display.
#1058: [Bug]: Click Here" Button Not Working on Contests Page
#1059: [Feature]: Integrate GitHub Repositories Fetch Feature
#1061: toast-repetition resolved
#1062: fix: issue #1056 -make 'Blogs' option visible in the navigation bar in portrait display
#1063: Bump husky from 9.0.11 to 9.1.5
#1064: [Bug]: Popup should be closed after user hit the save button!
#1065: syntax error in greeting.yml solved!
#1066: [Feature]: Add 'Unstop' coding platform for contests as well
#1067: Fixed - Popup should be closed after user hit the save button! #1064
#1068: Added Blogs link to mobile navigation for portrait mode
#1025: [Feature]: Animate Contest Page Using `Framer-Motion` Library
#1030: feat: backend for challenges
#1031: [Feature]: Change challenge to use the backend api
#1032: [Feature]: Open Blogs in a New Tab in Digitomize
#1033: [Feature]: Automatic Comment on Pull Request Raised
#1034: [Feature]: Add facility to view the password
#1037: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1038: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#1039: [Feature]: Redesign of the current logo
#1040: [Feature]: Integrating Docker into the project
#1042: [Bug]: New User Registration Form: Incorrect Rendering
#1043: [Bug]: Phone number parsing error
#1044: [Feature]: Implement Weekly Contest Email Notifications
#1046: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1047: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#1048: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 5 updates
#1049: docs: add redtrib3 as a contributor for code
#1050: Fix #1043 - Phone Number Parsing Error
#1051: Bump prettier from 3.1.0 to 3.3.3
#1054: [Feature]: Fix styling in dashboard career
#1055: Make the Navbar visible again on scrolling up
#1056: [Bug]: make 'Blogs' option visible in the navigation bar in portrait display.
#1058: [Bug]: Click Here" Button Not Working on Contests Page
#1059: [Feature]: Integrate GitHub Repositories Fetch Feature
#1061: toast-repetition resolved
#1062: fix: issue #1056 -make 'Blogs' option visible in the navigation bar in portrait display
#1063: Bump husky from 9.0.11 to 9.1.5
#1064: [Bug]: Popup should be closed after user hit the save button!
#1065: syntax error in greeting.yml solved!
#1025: [Feature]: Animate Contest Page Using `Framer-Motion` Library
#1030: feat: backend for challenges
#1031: [Feature]: Change challenge to use the backend api
#1032: [Feature]: Open Blogs in a New Tab in Digitomize
#1033: [Feature]: Automatic Comment on Pull Request Raised
#1034: [Feature]: Add facility to view the password
#1037: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1038: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#1039: [Feature]: Redesign of the current logo
#1040: [Feature]: Integrating Docker into the project
#1042: [Bug]: New User Registration Form: Incorrect Rendering
#1043: [Bug]: Phone number parsing error
#1044: [Feature]: Implement Weekly Contest Email Notifications
#1046: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1047: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#1048: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 5 updates
#1049: docs: add redtrib3 as a contributor for code
#1050: Fix #1043 - Phone Number Parsing Error
#1051: Bump prettier from 3.1.0 to 3.3.3
#1052: fix: issue #1054 styling in dashboard career
#1054: [Feature]: Fix styling in dashboard career
#1055: Make the Navbar visible again on scrolling up
#1056: [Bug]: make 'Blogs' option visible in the navigation bar in portrait display.
#1058: [Bug]: Click Here" Button Not Working on Contests Page
#1059: [Feature]: Integrate GitHub Repositories Fetch Feature
#1061: toast-repetition resolved
#1062: fix: issue #1056 -make 'Blogs' option visible in the navigation bar in portrait display
#1063: Bump husky from 9.0.11 to 9.1.5
#1064: [Bug]: Popup should be closed after user hit the save button!
#1065: syntax error in greeting.yml solved!
#1022: [Feature]: Adding email Validation
#1024: [Bug]: Console Errors and Debug Information Displayed on Contest Page Load and Scroll
#1025: [Feature]: Animate Contest Page Using `Framer-Motion` Library
#1030: feat: backend for challenges
#1031: [Feature]: Change challenge to use the backend api
#1032: [Feature]: Open Blogs in a New Tab in Digitomize
#1033: [Feature]: Automatic Comment on Pull Request Raised
#1034: [Feature]: Add facility to view the password
#1037: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1038: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#1039: [Feature]: Redesign of the current logo
#1040: [Feature]: Integrating Docker into the project
#1042: [Bug]: New User Registration Form: Incorrect Rendering
#1043: [Bug]: Phone number parsing error
#1044: [Feature]: Implement Weekly Contest Email Notifications
#1046: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1047: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#1048: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 5 updates
#1049: docs: add redtrib3 as a contributor for code
#1050: Fix #1043 - Phone Number Parsing Error
#1051: Bump prettier from 3.1.0 to 3.3.3
#1052: fix: issue #1054 styling in dashboard career
#1054: [Feature]: Fix styling in dashboard career
#1055: Make the Navbar visible again on scrolling up
#1056: [Bug]: make 'Blogs' option visible in the navigation bar in portrait display.
#1058: [Bug]: Click Here" Button Not Working on Contests Page
#1059: [Feature]: Integrate GitHub Repositories Fetch Feature
#1061: toast-repetition resolved
#1062: fix: issue #1056 -make 'Blogs' option visible in the navigation bar in portrait display
#1063: Bump husky from 9.0.11 to 9.1.5
#993: [Feature]: UI not reactive on dashboard
#998: [Bug]: Date and Time is not perfectly reported in contests
#1005: [Bug]: Need improvement in auth modal
#1007: [Feature]: add a username check with backend API calling
#1008: feat: Scroll-to-top button globally (Fix Conflicts PR: #994)
#1011: feat: Required logos added in the supported by section
#1012: feat: Addedfollowing pointer on Homepage (PR #856)
#1017: fix: Need improvement in auth modal
#1018: Implementing Backend Route for Statistics Update
#1022: [Feature]: Adding email Validation
#1023: fix: update button state on successful login and signup
#1024: [Bug]: Console Errors and Debug Information Displayed on Contest Page Load and Scroll
#1025: [Feature]: Animate Contest Page Using `Framer-Motion` Library
#1030: feat: backend for challenges
#1031: [Feature]: Change challenge to use the backend api
#1032: [Feature]: Open Blogs in a New Tab in Digitomize
#1033: [Feature]: Automatic Comment on Pull Request Raised
#1034: [Feature]: Add facility to view the password
#1035: Bump prettier from 3.1.0 to 3.3.2
#1037: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 3 updates
#1038: Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 4 updates
#536: [Feature]: Contact Us page in official website
#537: [Feature]: Programs section on About Page
#538: [Bug]: Email verification on signup
#566: feat: Send verification email
#580: [Feature]: Redesigning of this user Card
#581: [Feature]: Re-designing of the Card and inserting API fetched User Details
#588: feature: Signup or Login modal added
#704: Bump prettier from 3.1.0 to 3.2.5
#706: Bump concurrently from 8.2.1 to 8.2.2
#728: [Bug]: Loading page button is not fixed
#730: Made terminal logs colorful
#739: [Feature]: Implement Automatic Reviewer Assignment Workflow for Pull Requests
#740: fix: Issue #468 REST API Integration for CodeChef: Retrieve Questions
#741: Resolved Responsiveness Glitch
#744: Bump husky from 8.0.3 to 9.0.11
#754: [Bug]: text overflow in dashboard page on medium screen size
#761: [Feature]: Filters for hackathon
#763: [Bug]: Drawer Bar Not Fully Scrollable in Normal Screen Mode
#764: [Bug]: account button
#772: [Feature]: Contest Sorting by Duration improvement
#775: [Feature]: Error handling for createUserFirebase
#778: [Feature]: In the footer make the logo interactive for improved user experience
#779: [Bug]: After Signup, loading screen doesn't disappear
#781: [Feature]: Implement Contact Us Page
#783: [Bug]: Content becomes blurred when minimizing the dashboard page.
#784: [Feature]: Loading Screen for Home Page
#790: [Feature]: New Design for User Profile Page
#510: [DIG-116] [Feature]: Implement query based contests
#511: [DIG-116][Bug]: Add pre-commit hook to check for linting mistakes
#518: [Feature]: Character Limit on skills input field
#519: Added a feature for skills input field section.
#521: [DIG-118] [Feature]: Subscribe to Blogs
#526: [DIG-119] [Feature]: [EASY] Make terminal logs colourful
#529: [Feature]: Implement Webhook logging
#532: [Feature]: Signup/Login Modal
#536: [Feature]: Contact Us page in official website
#537: [Feature]: Programs section on About Page
#538: [Bug]: Email verification on signup
#566: feat: Send verification email
#580: [Feature]: Redesigning of this user Card
#581: [Feature]: Re-designing of the Card and inserting API fetched User Details
#588: feature: Signup or Login modal added
#704: Bump prettier from 3.1.0 to 3.2.5
#706: Bump concurrently from 8.2.1 to 8.2.2
#728: [Bug]: Loading page button is not fixed
#730: Made terminal logs colorful
#738: Fixes #704, #705, #706
#739: [Feature]: Implement Automatic Reviewer Assignment Workflow for Pull Requests
#740: fix: Issue #468 REST API Integration for CodeChef: Retrieve Questions
#741: Resolved Responsiveness Glitch
#744: Bump husky from 8.0.3 to 9.0.11
#754: [Bug]: text overflow in dashboard page on medium screen size
#761: [Feature]: Filters for hackathon
#763: [Bug]: Drawer Bar Not Fully Scrollable in Normal Screen Mode
#764: [Bug]: account button
#770: [Feature]: Adding Logout Button at Bottom of Navbar in Responsive design
#771: fix: loading page buttons
#511: [DIG-116][Bug]: Add pre-commit hook to check for linting mistakes
#518: [Feature]: Character Limit on skills input field
#519: Added a feature for skills input field section.
#521: [DIG-118] [Feature]: Subscribe to Blogs
#526: [DIG-119] [Feature]: [EASY] Make terminal logs colourful
#529: [Feature]: Implement Webhook logging
#532: [Feature]: Signup/Login Modal
#536: [Feature]: Contact Us page in official website
#537: [Feature]: Programs section on About Page
#538: [Bug]: Email verification on signup
#566: feat: Send verification email
#580: [Feature]: Redesigning of this user Card
#581: [Feature]: Re-designing of the Card and inserting API fetched User Details
#588: feature: Signup or Login modal added
#704: Bump prettier from 3.1.0 to 3.2.5
#706: Bump concurrently from 8.2.1 to 8.2.2
#728: [Bug]: Loading page button is not fixed
#730: Made terminal logs colorful
#738: Fixes #704, #705, #706
#739: [Feature]: Implement Automatic Reviewer Assignment Workflow for Pull Requests
#740: fix: Issue #468 REST API Integration for CodeChef: Retrieve Questions
#741: Resolved Responsiveness Glitch
#744: Bump husky from 8.0.3 to 9.0.11
#754: [Bug]: text overflow in dashboard page on medium screen size
#756: [Feature]: Enhance Dashboard profile creation for immediate Text Input
#761: [Feature]: Filters for hackathon
#763: [Bug]: Drawer Bar Not Fully Scrollable in Normal Screen Mode
#764: [Bug]: account button
#768: fix: Issue 756 :Fix formatting and Input fields
#770: [Feature]: Adding Logout Button at Bottom of Navbar in Responsive design
#510: [DIG-116] [Feature]: Implement query based contests
#511: [DIG-116][Bug]: Add pre-commit hook to check for linting mistakes
#518: [Feature]: Character Limit on skills input field
#519: Added a feature for skills input field section.
#521: [DIG-118] [Feature]: Subscribe to Blogs
#526: [DIG-119] [Feature]: [EASY] Make terminal logs colourful
#529: [Feature]: Implement Webhook logging
#532: [Feature]: Signup/Login Modal
#536: [Feature]: Contact Us page in official website
#537: [Feature]: Programs section on About Page
#538: [Bug]: Email verification on signup
#566: feat: Send verification email
#580: [Feature]: Redesigning of this user Card
#581: [Feature]: Re-designing of the Card and inserting API fetched User Details
#588: feature: Signup or Login modal added
#704: Bump prettier from 3.1.0 to 3.2.5
#706: Bump concurrently from 8.2.1 to 8.2.2
#728: [Bug]: Loading page button is not fixed
#730: Made terminal logs colorful
#738: Fixes #704, #705, #706
#739: [Feature]: Implement Automatic Reviewer Assignment Workflow for Pull Requests
#740: fix: Issue #468 REST API Integration for CodeChef: Retrieve Questions
#741: Resolved Responsiveness Glitch
#744: Bump husky from 8.0.3 to 9.0.11
#754: [Bug]: text overflow in dashboard page on medium screen size
#756: [Feature]: Enhance Dashboard profile creation for immediate Text Input
#761: [Feature]: Filters for hackathon
#763: [Bug]: Drawer Bar Not Fully Scrollable in Normal Screen Mode
#764: [Bug]: account button
#768: fix: Issue 756 :Fix formatting and Input fields
#529: [Feature]: Implement Webhook logging
#532: [Feature]: Signup/Login Modal
#533: Fix/#527 Resume input field with Drag and Drop file select
#536: [Feature]: Contact Us page in official website
#537: [Feature]: Programs section on About Page
#538: [Bug]: Email verification on signup
#566: feat: Send verification email
#580: [Feature]: Redesigning of this user Card
#581: [Feature]: Re-designing of the Card and inserting API fetched User Details
#588: feature: Signup or Login modal added
#590: fix: Implemented Hackathons
#704: Bump prettier from 3.1.0 to 3.2.5
#706: Bump concurrently from 8.2.1 to 8.2.2
#728: [Bug]: Loading page button is not fixed
#730: Made terminal logs colorful
#734: [Bug]: The landing page shows the button "Register now" even though the user is logged in.
#738: Fixes #704, #705, #706
#739: [Feature]: Implement Automatic Reviewer Assignment Workflow for Pull Requests
#740: fix: Issue #468 REST API Integration for CodeChef: Retrieve Questions
#741: Resolved Responsiveness Glitch
#744: Bump husky from 8.0.3 to 9.0.11
#754: [Bug]: text overflow in dashboard page on medium screen size
#755: [Feature]: Missing links to the websites in the home page in the section "suported by:"
#756: [Feature]: Enhance Dashboard profile creation for immediate Text Input
#338: [DIG-85] Leaderboard new UI
#339: [DIG-86] Design and code Footer
#340: [DIG-87] Create Shared Contact Information File
#341: [DIG-88] Implement Backend Route for Statistics Update
#342: [DIG-89] Add Social Links Field to User Model
#343: [DIG-90] Integrate Social Links into User Profile UI
#381: [DIG-99] [Major Bug] Github Auth not setting up user's name
#386: [DIG-100] Sitemap implementation for enhanced website organization and navigation
#390: Improvization of interactive chatbot powered by brevo
#411: [DIG-101] [Doc] Update Backend Folder Structure in Documentation
#412: [DIG-102] [Doc] Update Frontend Project Structure in Documentation
#413: [DIG-103] Update Ratings Page Input Validation
#414: Added validation for coding profile usernames.
#415: Add OSSFriendsPage component to App.jsx and CustomComponents.jsx
#420: [DIG-104] Implement Notification System for Contests Using Firebase Cloud Messaging
#295: Implement Scroll-Responsive Fixed Navbar Behavior
#300: I can redesign the login page
#301: About page not responsive on Tablet device.
#299: Feat/scroll responsive fixed nav bar
#110: [FEAT] Share Button UI fix
#116: [Minor Fix] Filter drop down minor fix
#124: Admin Dashboard
#134: [MINOR] Format the code
#202: Add status feature for User Section
#227: bug on accordion in UserDashRatings
#230: In Mobile, Version 2 - > Position of checkboxes needs to update
#231: [FEAT] Skeleton re-design
#110: [FEAT] Share Button UI fix
#116: [Minor Fix] Filter drop down minor fix
#124: Admin Dashboard
#134: [MINOR] Format the code
#202: Add status feature for User Section
#217: bugFixed: #215Enhanced error handling
#227: bug on accordion in UserDashRatings
#110: [FEAT] Share Button UI fix
#116: [Minor Fix] Filter drop down minor fix
#124: Admin Dashboard
#134: [MINOR] Format the code
#202: Add status feature for User Section
#217: bugFixed: #215Enhanced error handling
#222: added status feature
#227: bug on accordion in UserDashRatings
#110: [FEAT] Share Button UI fix
#116: [Minor Fix] Filter drop down minor fix
#124: Admin Dashboard
#134: [MINOR] Format the code
#202: Add status feature for User Section
#222: added status feature
#224: [Refactor] Enhanced navbar components with array of objects and map
#110: [FEAT] Share Button UI fix
#116: [Minor Fix] Filter drop down minor fix
#124: Admin Dashboard
#134: [MINOR] Format the code
#202: Add status feature for User Section
#217: bugFixed: #215Enhanced error handling
#222: added status feature
#110: [FEAT] Share Button UI fix
#116: [Minor Fix] Filter drop down minor fix
#124: Admin Dashboard
#134: [MINOR] Format the code
#202: Add status feature for User Section
#217: bugFixed: #215Enhanced error handling
#222: added status feature
#223: made the user profile page responsive , corrected contribute button on navbar and minor fixes
#222: added status feature
#220: [FIXED BUG] Duplicate username rejection by mongoDB
#219: EnhancedErrorHandling#215
#218: [Major Bug] Username unique
#215: Enhance Error Handling in index.js for Node.js Server
#110: [FEAT] Share Button UI fix
#116: [Minor Fix] Filter drop down minor fix
#124: Admin Dashboard
#134: [MINOR] Format the code
#202: Add status feature for User Section
#207: Add a Hover/Transition Effect Over 'go to contest button'!!
#211: Add a Hover/Transition Effect Over 'go to contest button'!!
#211: Add a Hover/Transition Effect Over 'go to contest button'!!
#207: Add a Hover/Transition Effect Over 'go to contest button'!!
#208: Use postinstall script
#209: use postinstall script (version2 branch)
#208: Use postinstall script
#207: Add a Hover/Transition Effect Over 'go to contest button'!!
#202: Add status feature for User Section
#179: [NEW] PWA - Build Progressive Web App for digitomize
#199: Add install pwa custom prompt
Pull Request #1065: syntax error in greeting.yml solved!
Pull Request #1067: Fixed - Popup should be closed after user hit the save button! #1064
Pull Request #1068: Added Blogs link to mobile navigation for portrait mode
Pull Request #1070: github integration
Pull Request #1072: Animations contest page
Pull Request #1082: add hover to skills tag on profile
Pull Request #1065: syntax error in greeting.yml solved!
Pull Request #1067: Fixed - Popup should be closed after user hit the save button! #1064
Pull Request #1072: Animations contest page
Pull Request #1065: syntax error in greeting.yml solved!
Pull Request #1067: Fixed - Popup should be closed after user hit the save button! #1064
Pull Request #1068: Added Blogs link to mobile navigation for portrait mode
Pull Request #1070: github integration
Pull Request #1072: Animations contest page
Pull Request #1065: syntax error in greeting.yml solved!
Pull Request #1067: Fixed - Popup should be closed after user hit the save button! #1064
Pull Request #1068: Added Blogs link to mobile navigation for portrait mode
Pull Request #1069: Click Here Button Issue Solved
Pull Request #1070: github integration
Pull Request #1065: syntax error in greeting.yml solved!
Pull Request #1067: Fixed - Popup should be closed after user hit the save button! #1064
Pull Request #1068: Added Blogs link to mobile navigation for portrait mode
Pull Request #1069: Click Here Button Issue Solved
Pull Request #1070: github integration
Pull Request #1068: Added Blogs link to mobile navigation for portrait mode
Pull Request #1065: syntax error in greeting.yml solved!
Pull Request #1068: Added Blogs link to mobile navigation for portrait mode
Pull Request #1052: fix: issue #1054 styling in dashboard career
Pull Request #1061: toast-repetition resolved
Pull Request #1065: syntax error in greeting.yml solved!
Pull Request #1065: syntax error in greeting.yml solved!
Pull Request #771: fix: loading page buttons
Pull Request #780: fixed bug (corrected the path to profile when clicking account)
Pull Request #788: fix: 783 Feature/implementing drawer closure upon clicking the blurred area
Pull Request #771: fix: loading page buttons
Pull Request #768: fix: Issue 756 :Fix formatting and Input fields
Pull Request #768: fix: Issue 756 :Fix formatting and Input fields
Pull Request #749: feat: add reviewer assign github action workflow
Pull Request #753: fix: The landing page shows "Register now" button even after logged i…
Pull Request #299: Feat/scroll responsive fixed nav bar
Pull Request #321: [FEATURE] Added a option to download and view pdf generated from user data
Pull Request #407: Updated You section
Pull Request #414: Added validation for coding profile usernames.
Pull Request #415: Add OSSFriendsPage component to App.jsx and CustomComponents.jsx
Pull Request #416: Validation/coding profile usernames
Pull Request #299: Feat/scroll responsive fixed nav bar
Pull Request #299: Feat/scroll responsive fixed nav bar
Pull Request #121: added user's timezone to display contents in their timezone
Pull Request #217: bugFixed: #215Enhanced error handling
Pull Request #222: added status feature
Pull Request #121: added user's timezone to display contents in their timezone
Pull Request #217: bugFixed: #215Enhanced error handling
Pull Request #222: added status feature
Pull Request #121: added user's timezone to display contents in their timezone
Pull Request #217: bugFixed: #215Enhanced error handling
Pull Request #222: added status feature
Pull Request #121: added user's timezone to display contents in their timezone
Pull Request #217: bugFixed: #215Enhanced error handling
Pull Request #222: added status feature
Pull Request #224: [Refactor] Enhanced navbar components with array of objects and map
Pull Request #224: [Refactor] Enhanced navbar components with array of objects and map
Pull Request #121: added user's timezone to display contents in their timezone
Pull Request #217: bugFixed: #215Enhanced error handling
Pull Request #222: added status feature
Pull Request #121: added user's timezone to display contents in their timezone
Pull Request #217: bugFixed: #215Enhanced error handling
Pull Request #222: added status feature
Pull Request #222: added status feature
Pull Request #220: [FIXED BUG] Duplicate username rejection by mongoDB
Pull Request #219: EnhancedErrorHandling#215
Pull Request #217: bugFixed: #215Enhanced error handling
Pull Request #121: added user's timezone to display contents in their timezone
Pull Request #206: Kapilkumar9395/feat/admin dashboard #124
Pull Request #121: added user's timezone to display contents in their timezone
Pull Request #206: Kapilkumar9395/feat/admin dashboard #124
Pull Request #121: added user's timezone to display contents in their timezone
Pull Request #206: Kapilkumar9395/feat/admin dashboard #124
Pull Request #211: Add a Hover/Transition Effect Over 'go to contest button'!!
Pull Request #211: Add a Hover/Transition Effect Over 'go to contest button'!!
Pull Request #121: added user's timezone to display contents in their timezone
Pull Request #206: Kapilkumar9395/feat/admin dashboard #124
Pull Request #208: Use postinstall script
Pull Request #209: use postinstall script (version2 branch)
Pull Request #209: use postinstall script (version2 branch)
Pull Request #208: Use postinstall script
Pull Request #206: Kapilkumar9395/feat/admin dashboard #124