#420: [DIG-104] Implement Notification System for Contests Using Firebase Cloud Messaging
Issue #420 by pranshugupta54
[DIG-104] Implement Notification System for Contests Using Firebase Cloud Messaging
Issue Description:
We need to enhance the user experience by implementing a notification system for contests. The goal is to notify users of upcoming contests using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).
Proposed Changes:
- Integrate Firebase Cloud Messaging into the project.
- Develop a notification system that sends push notifications to users for upcoming contests.
- Notifications should include relevant details such as contest name, start time, and any additional information deemed important.
- Allow users to opt in or out of contest notifications via their account settings.
Action Items:
- Set up Firebase Cloud Messaging in the project.
- Design and implement the notification system in the backend.
- Create a user interface in the frontend for users to manage their notification preferences.
- Ensure that the notification system adheres to best practices for user privacy and preferences.
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