


Open Source Community by Novu




JavaScript heap out of memory err

Please find the other details below 1. Repo link - 2. Instructions which I followed - 3. OS - windows 10 pro 4. Node version 16.15.1...

Discord meme

Hi i try create discord meme by this post and getting errors but follow the setup, can someone help me please?...

NotificationId in Push notification

Hello All, Is there any way there we can provide NotificationId as additional parametter for push notification, It will help us to retrive data based on notification action.

Retrieve deleted brand layout

Hello, is there a way to retrieve a deleted brand layout ? Thanks !

Outlook Email Configuration for Provider

When I tried to configure Outlook as a provider to send mail I left with an error "unexpected Provider error" when I test it from Workflow.
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SMTP - Gmail Configuration

We are trying to configure the Gmail Configuration of SMTP Provider. As I followed the below documentation, I can create a provider by disabling the verify "Provider Credentials" but when I try to send a mail from workflow I get an "Unexpected provider error" see screenshot attached.
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Widgets APIs documentation

We are looking to integrate notification center in flutter app, And while looking a headless client code found all the APIs are belong undet a Widgets group and don't found any documentation for same, Is It missed or planning to deprecate in future?

Issue with iFrame Notification Center's showUserPreferences Property

I am encountering an issue with the showUserPreferences property in the iFrame notification center component. Problem Description: According to the release notes, the iFrame notification center component should support the showUserPreferences property as a boolean. However, when I attempt to use this property, it doesn't seem to work as expected. ...
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Production workflow not running latest promoted version

I fixed an email step in development and promoted the change to production. In the UI, both systems show the correct version of the workflow and of the email template. When I run the development workflow, I get the right email. But when I run the production workflow, I still get an error from the previous version. I have made other updates and promoted them to see if it would refresh. Same behavior: the UI shows the latest changes but the workflow runs the older version. Is the promotion stuck?...

Message content could not be generated and Subscriber does not have an active integration

Hey guys, after bumping from v0.18 to 0.22 im getting the error Message content could not be generated in a specific worfklow. In another one i get Subscriber does not have an active integration. I self host the api, web, websocket, widget and worket. All of them on v0.22.0. It happens either using trigger on web ui or @novu/node on v0.22.0....
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Bypassing HTML formatting

I currently am sending an HTML through the SDK, in my payload, to be rendered in an email in Novu through the tripple braces as such: {{{html}}} when I preview my HTML the formatting is ok, it's mostly text. When I receive my E-mail the formatting is off, some text is purple and the font size changes halfway through. Is there any way I can make sure nothing overrides the style of my HTML? Or some guideline I might be missing when creating my HTML?

Can't get the webhook URL from Sendgrid provider in cloud

Isn't the Sendgrid modal supposed to show a webhook url when running in the cloud? I want to trigger another notification if an email is not open after 1 day. I have defined a Sendgrid provider. The modal is supposed to provide a webhook URL that I can paste to Sendgrid , but none is visible. I have tested by triggering the workflow, got the email by Sendgrid, checked in Sendgrid that it marked the email as opened. It's all good to this point. But in Novu, no "open" event appears in the activity feed and the "unread" condition is not respected by the next step....

How to completely remove a provider

I have created a firebase provider. Now I have added device tokens to a subscriber with this provider id. Now I have deleted the firebase provider from integration store. I have now added a new firebase provider and updated the workflow too .Now when i try to trigger notification I get this error " subscriber does not have active integration". When i checked the subscriber details . I saw the old provider id still exists under the subscriber JSON. Is this a bug ?...

Novu Websocket fails (Websocket error)

I have novu setup (self hosted) with a nginx reverse proxy. While the Web Dashboard, the api, etc.. seem to work as they should, somehow the React Notifications center does not work because of this websocket error, which i cannot resolve: WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: (domain replaced with

iframe subscriber property

@Paweł T. @Pawan Jain should I create a separate useState subscriber and then send this subscriber as a prop?
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Does the create subscribers endpoint update existing ones?

If the subscriber already exists, its data will get updated?

OneSignal issues

Hi, I have recently attempted to integrate OneSignal with Novu, and I am not sure the documentation answered some questions well enough or I probably didn't understand it well enough. I went as far as adding the credentials from onesignal in and that bit is fine, I added the sdk to my frontend application and have setup novu to set the device token. now this is where it gets confusing....
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The digest block got an "undefined" when using a scheduled digest

when i select a schedule digest (any. day, minute, month), the digest block in the workflow stay with a "Every undefinedth month..." even if i didn't select monthly digest when i open the digest it stays right, when i close, it goes back to "undefinedth month"...
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Headless api issue in angular

Hi, I have implemented novu headless in our angular app. So we use methods like fetchNotifcation() , markNotifications() , listenNotificationRecevie() and delete notification(). So during these events such as markAs() the events like fetchNotifcation() is automatically triggered. but when I trigger deleteNotification() or listenNotificationRecevie() the registered event for fetchNotifcation() is getting removed instead being called again . This breaks the usage and causing issues. Why are they getting removed instead of refetching ?...

new relic app name

I have deployed novu to azure kubernetes cluster but the api pod is stuck in a restart loop and the issue is its asking me to set the NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME but I don't know what this is or where to set it.