Created by Shaun on 3/4/2024 in #💬│support
Greater Than and Less Than Helper
Hi there 🙂 I'd like to include a certain text string if the step.count is greater than a specified count. This will be used when aggregating notifications so we list a preview of the first 5 and then include something expressing there are more items at the end. I imagine something like
{{#if (step.total_count > 5)}}
{{#if (step.total_count > 5)}}
or even a specific helper {{#gt step.total_count 5}} could work. It looks like this is not a supported case but I was curious if there was any plans to support this case. I saw a previous support post in 2022 where they implied a GitHub issue would be opened but no luck finding it. Thank you!
11 replies
Created by Shaun on 2/15/2024 in #💬│support
When Bulk Triggering events with a new subscriber, the subscriber is being created multiple times
No description
10 replies
Created by Shaun on 1/19/2024 in #💬│support
Localize Date Strings with {{dateformat}}
Hi again 🙂 As a part of my teams localization effort, we were hoping to be able to use the {{dateformat}} handlebar and pass in the subscriber locale to it in order to get the proper date format (ex MM/dd/yyyy vs dd/MM/yyyy in some countries). The docs help bot seemed to imply this was supported but looking at the handlerbar implementation, it seems locale information is not currently passed to date-fns. Is this accurate? Is there a way to accomplish what I am hoping? Thank you in advance!
22 replies
Created by Shaun on 1/17/2024 in #💬│support
Pluralization in the Translation Management Platform
Hi there! I am making use of the new translation management platform and was curious what the proper way to handle pluralization is. I see the existing pluralization logic: {{ pluralize count "stringForOne" "stringForMany" }} For the translation management provider, I've been able to use: {{ i18n "container.keyname" count=step.total_count }}
"keyname": "{{count}} items"
"keyname": "{{count}} items"
With the i18n provider, how do we make use of different keys based on how many items to use? Thank you in advance!
14 replies