Why image on my email html blocked on outlook?
The email works perfectly fine in gmail but when it send out to outlook the image src changes to
any idea how to resolve this issue?5 Replies
Hello @Jauhari! I'm Emil, nice to meet you, I will try to help 🙂
I have few questions / requests in order to provide some assistance and troubleshoot this.
1. Can you please share the trigger API call snippet you've used?
2. Could you share your use case in high level?
3. Is this happens for the first time?
4. Can you please share the email template you are sending?
i use self hosted novu
yes this happen for the first time cause we are just trying to send email to outlook
What provider are you using to send emails?
Can you send the event trigger snippet you are using?
oh i already found some solution, apparently the emails mark as spam so the image wont show thanks for your help all good now
Oh I'm sure it would help someone! Thank you for getting back and updating us 🙂