


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


Several admins who only have access to their resources

Hello, I'd like to create a website that allows users to create a portfolio to display photos. I would use Filament as an interface for managing albums, photos, etc. Each user would then be the admin of their own content and only THEIR content would be visible on their own filament interface....

Rich editor: Remove or style image captions, size etc.

Hello, I'm building a building a blog editor, and in my blog post I can't seem to style the caption under an uploaded image, it's just an a tag with an image inside, so no class or id to target it. I wanted to remove it as well but can't seem to find how....

Livewire Filament Form SpatieMediaFileUpload Issue on Create

Hi i have issue when trying to create document, i cannot access it in $data any way to do it?
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#Stats overview widgets how to adjust size card. I make 2 stats but when view it float left, I want adjust for it center? can provide me any solution? Thank you...
maybe setting 2 columns in the widget? ```php protected function getColumns(): int { return 2;...
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SlideOver or EditPage

Hi all, I have the scenario where I have a resource that has an index, create and edit page. On the edit page I have a couple of relation managers. In my table on the index page I would like that when clicking the row, I go to the edit page, but when I click the EditAction then a slideOver appears (with the form). From what I've tested, it seems that slideOver only works on the action when you DON'T have an edit page. Is there a way around this? ...

Vite error

Vite manifest not found at: /Users/feat/Sites/autotartosberlet/public/build/manifest.json So I am trying to use the custom theme, and after i write the ->viteTheme(public_path('css/filament/admin/theme.css')) line to the FilamentServiceprovider, I got the error above. Any ideas?...

How to override all ViewRecord pages getView() function

I'm make a trait to get simple set $view file of page view to my custom view file. ```php namespace App\Filament\Concerns; use Filament\Resources\Pages\EditRecord;...

Disable deletion for database notifications

I would like to disable the database notification delete buttons. Can anyone help me with it. In the documentation I didn't found anything about that. I am talking about the Clear button
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custom page(non resource page)

Is it possible to fetch all table data from database into infolist? Thanks in advance...

How to implement action or trigger event after reordering rows in a table

I want to run some code after a user is done reordering how do i achieve this? is it even possible.

Headeraction bug? Or am i stupid This recording is just to show the "bug" Basicly, the button works, if i then refresh the page, it will show the opposite text, than it is showing, then i have to click it twice, to get it to work with the list again.. ...

I have a Problem in File upload in chunks

i want to upload large vedios in chuncks (50mb) in filament FileUpload::class, but im unable to achieve it. suggest a way to achieve this...

how to adjust the alignment of brand name along with logo?

I'm terribly bad in front end. Please see my screenshot
maybe you can use justify-content and adjusting the font size to fit it within the logo area...
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Set a label for the filter section

public static function table(Table $table): Table { return $table ->columns([ Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('name')->label('名前'),...

Is it possible to add company name next to logo in panel?

I edited the logo and add text but it is blurred
->brandLogo(fn () => view('logo'))
->brandLogo(fn () => view('logo'))

How to make the MapWidget full screen height

I use this to display GoogleMap Can I adjust the height of the card map? I have set the css to 100% height. but it still doesn't work this is the blade.php @vite('resources/css/app.css') <x-filament-panels::page> <div class="relative flex w-full h-screen">...
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Display Tenant Profile Page

I created a custom profile page for multi-tenancy. Could you please advise me on how to display it like the image I attached? #multi-tenancy
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How do you disable $table->recordUrl(null) globally in all tables?

I'm trying to disable row click for all of my tables as default, but it seems to not work. Can please anyone correct me. Thanks! ```php Table::configureUsing( fn (Table $component) => $component->recordUrl(null)...
I don’t think that configureUsing will work at this point because the ListRecords class sets the recordUrl parameter after configureUsing check makeTable method...

an issue with BezhanSalleh\FilamentLanguageSwitch

I'm running into an issue with BezhanSalleh\FilamentLanguageSwitch. When I select Romanian as the language, it automatically switches to English (regardless of the previously selected language) without any errors or notifications. Has anyone else encountered this? Any ideas on where I should start looking to resolve this? Thanks!...