Created by wazkaz on 7/5/2024 in #❓┊help
Select column width
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Created by wazkaz on 7/2/2024 in #❓┊help
Custom table in the resource page
I wondered it is possible easily to render a custom table with custom query under the resource page relation manager or between the form and relation manager?
4 replies
Created by wazkaz on 6/19/2024 in #❓┊help
DateTimePicker time selection jumping back to 0
Hello, yesterday i was worked with the DateTimePicker and i tried to use the minDate/maxDate on the non-native component, but after I added that function I observed that when I trying to change the time it always jump back to 0 and if i remove that function the time picker works correctly. Is this some kind of bug or the minDate/maxDate not working with the non-native DateTimePicker?
12 replies
Created by wazkaz on 5/24/2024 in #❓┊help
Loading indicator in the modal
Hello, I want to display a loading indicator in the modal, somehow. I trying to use the render hooks. Can anyone help me about it, which are there any premade render hooks for the modals? So in the form I have a select component and after I select a value it goes to fetch an API. I added the fetching logic in the afterStateUpdated() function, but the problem is there is no any indicator for the user about the fetching. The best would be if the select component show the loading indicator but for that we should update the select component itself.
6 replies
Created by wazkaz on 5/2/2024 in #❓┊help
Table group dropdown not shown
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Created by wazkaz on 3/28/2024 in #❓┊help
On edit resource Unsaved changes alerts.
I added ->unsavedChangesAlerts(); to the provider, I tested it and on new record saving it working perfectly but when I do the same on edit it won't.
3 replies
Created by wazkaz on 12/6/2023 in #❓┊help
Relation manager display
Hey everyone, I hope you're doing well! I'm currently working with Filament PHP and running into a bit of a challenge with the relation manager. It has two layout options, but by default, it only renders one at a time. I'm looking for some advice or ideas on how I can make it render both layouts simultaneously. Any tips or experiences you could share would be super helpful! Thanks in advance! 🙏
14 replies
Created by wazkaz on 11/10/2023 in #❓┊help
HasManyThrough realationship in Select
Hello, I would like to use a hasManyThrough relationship in a the Select field, it throws a not compatible error. Is there some workaround for this?
3 replies