Code A
Code A
Created by Code A on 10/16/2024 in #❓┊help
Did anyone use filament-shield until it was deployed on the server?
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Created by Code A on 9/3/2024 in #❓┊help
How to synchronize filters between Livewire components in Filament Dashboard Custome Page?
i'm working on a Filament dashboard that displays orders and their locations on a map. I have two Livewire components: ListOrders and AddressMapWidget. in dashboard-order.blade.php @vite('resources/css/app.css') <x-filament-panels::page> <div class=""> @livewire('widgets.address_map_widget') @livewire('list-orders',) </div> </x-filament-panels::page> his component filters orders by date (today or yesterday) using buttons. Here is a simplified version of the component: class ListOrders extends Component { public $activeDate = 'today'; // Default active date is 'today' public function setActiveDate($date) { $this->activeDate = $date; } public function getFilteredOrder() { $dateFilter = $this->activeDate === 'yesterday' ? Carbon::yesterday() : Carbon::today(); // Additional logic } public function render() { return view('livewire.list-orders', [ 'orders' => $this->getFilteredOrders(), ]); } } AddressMapWidget This component shows markers on the map for the addresses of the orders. Here is a simplified version of the component: class AddressMapWidget extends MapWidget { protected function getData(): array { $orders = Order::with('address')->get(); $data = []; foreach ($orders as $order) { $data[] = [ 'location' => [ 'lat' => $order->address->lat ?? 0, 'lng' => $order->address->lng ?? 0, ], 'label' => 'Address (' . $order->address->address . ')', ]; } return $data; } } I want the map in AddressMapWidget to update automatically when the filter is changed in ListOrders, showing only markers that match the selected date. How can I make these components communicate so the map updates based on the date filter in ListOrders? Are there best practices for this in Filament or Livewire?
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Created by Code A on 8/30/2024 in #❓┊help
How to make the MapWidget full screen height
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Created by Code A on 8/27/2024 in #❓┊help
Give default value to TextInput when Edit Data
This data is not in the same table so I have to get the data first in another table Now from the data I took I want to give a default value in TextInput::make('custom_name') How do I do that? class OrderResource extends Resource { public static function form(Form $form): Form { $data = $form->getRecord(); if ($data !== null) { $getData = User::find($data->partner_id); } return $form ->schema([ // ... form other Forms\Components\TextInput::make('custom_name) ->label('Name') ->required(),
]) } } The data I took I put in the $getData variable, in the $getData variable there is a name, now I want to give it to the default TextInput custom_name
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