Filamentβ€’2mo ago
Code A

Give default value to TextInput when Edit Data

This data is not in the same table so I have to get the data first in another table Now from the data I took I want to give a default value in TextInput::make('custom_name') How do I do that? class OrderResource extends Resource { public static function form(Form $form): Form { $data = $form->getRecord(); if ($data !== null) { $getData = User::find($data->partner_id); } return $form ->schema([ // ... form other Forms\Components\TextInput::make('custom_name) ->label('Name') ->required(),
]) } } The data I took I put in the $getData variable, in the $getData variable there is a name, now I want to give it to the default TextInput custom_name
12 Replies
toekneeβ€’2mo ago
Should this field get update don save too? It should like you should be using a relationship
Code A
Code Aβ€’2mo ago
Yes, make it in the model? Like this? class Order extends Model { use HasFactory; protected $fillable = [ 'partner_id', 'address_id', 'status', ]; // other relation // partner_id from table users public function partnerUser() { return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'partner_id'); } }
toekneeβ€’2mo ago
So just group it?
Code A
Code Aβ€’2mo ago
thanks that can help me. but when craete data how to get data that is in Group::make because when I dd($data) it is data name, and other data that is in Group::make is not in $data class OrderTask extends CreateRecord { protected static string $resource = OrderResource::class; protected function handleRecordCreation(array $data): Model { dd($data); // other data }}
toekneeβ€’2mo ago
IT wouldn't be, because it's a relationship it'll auto-create it / update it.
Code A
Code Aβ€’2mo ago
but I want to manipulate the data in Group::make, because the data is not just a name. and I need the data in Group::make, to create data in another table example I want to create data like this DB::table('order_status_histories')->insert($data_order_status_history); now the variable $data_order_status_history contains one of them in group:make the example above is just one example how to get the data in Group::Make? when I try to create data without manipulating the data in group:make, there is data in another table that is null or empty
toekneeβ€’2mo ago
History should be stored with an observer
Code A
Code Aβ€’2mo ago
Sorry, I don't understand what you mean, maybe you can explain it or maybe there are references that I can see or read? but thank you very much for helping me, I have found a solution for that even though it may not be the best practice. but it solves my problem. thank you very much
toekneeβ€’2mo ago
Are you familiar with Laravel in general? IF you have a solution then thats great πŸ™‚
Code A
Code Aβ€’2mo ago
I just started learning laravel
toekneeβ€’2mo ago
Oh, so for history you would tend to build a Laravel Observer which allows you to observe the models events and as such on updated you can then store a history record or perform other actions, this is particulary useful if allow the model to be updated in multiple places.
Code A
Code Aβ€’2mo ago
Oh I understand, thank you very much for the explanation.
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