


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


Parent->children views in table

Did you know if exists method/plugin to show a tree view in the table? i have a plugin with pages where one page can be master and the other children...

Failed to extract the request port. Ensure the log line contains a valid port: [Wed Dec 18 18:57:35

hello, i keep getting this error and the php artisan serve stops working and i have to re-run it, this error appeared only after i installed filamentphp. has anyone experiened this error? i tried to use different ports but it happens randomly and i have to re-run the artisan serve until the error randomly happens again...
i couldn't find why this problem is occuring, but this custom function inside laravel's ServeCommand.php somehow minimized the problematics. so i'm gonna close this.
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Undefined array key name despite having validation

Is it normal to have multiple arrays inside of mountedFormComponentActionsData for a select field with CreateOptionForm. The 500 error undefined array key 'name' has occured two times in production despite having validation in place and I couldn't quite figure out what's causing this issue. Forms\Components\Select::make('customer_id') ->label('Select Customer') ->required() ->createOptionAction(function (FormAction $action) {...

Accessing rows imported on ImportChunkProcessed event

Hi, Is it possible to get the rows that were imported when the ImportChunkProcessed event is triggered? I have looked at the source code and can't seem to see anything that would allow me to access these rows. Same for ImportCompleted. Am wondering if maybe because it's using a transaction, it's might be a little complicated to retrieve?...

Struggling to render multiple forms in one livewire 3 component

Hello! I red the documentation ( ) but i dont really get it how to display create form with a vehicle id passed to it. Right now i have this implementation but it is not working + i have a 500 server error, when i remove $this->maintenanceForm from a view component 500 error dissapears.
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Customising the Filament Password Reset Email

I have just launched filament a site today which requires existing users to reset their passwords to gain access.
The issue I am having is that they are using sendgrid which is adding tracking to the password reset links which breaks them. To fix this I need to add clicktracking="off" to the achors. I have updated the button component in my mail them to do this so they can get access be I need to also update the text link at the bottom of the email. Can anyone point me in the right direction so I can publish the template for the password reset email?...
@Dave2084 Filament is using default Laravel email templates, I think this should help you:,Customizing%20the%20Components,-You%20may%20export...

Repeater visual bug after saving?

After saving repeater fields using a many-to-many relationship, I encounter a visual bug where all except one item within the same repeater disappear. However, everything reappears once I refresh the page. ```php Forms\Components\Repeater::make('Descriptions') ->label('Descriptions')...

Looking for a developer to work with Square's API

I am in need of a developer to help us integrate to we basically want to pull product information (name, price, quantity etc...) from Square into our filamenet dashboard.

Not view first record of table

Is it possible to make the first record in a table shows, but when you click on it, a modal appears saying that you do not have permission to access that record? It would only be with the first one, the rest should work normally. The purpose is that only premium users can access the first register Thanks!...

Fetch relational data in custom page

How can I fetch the relational data in personable.full_name? `public function form(Form $form): Form { return $form...

How would I return a modal form in the Resource Edit Page?

The context is like this: I am in my resource's record edit page and in the form, I have a viewfield that returns a template with a button. I now have a function in the Resource's Edit Page where the getHeaderActions is located that waits for the button to be triggered. ...

Can anyone help me with configuring the dark theme on my stepper plugin

I have stepper fields for every number input that I have in my system but when I use the dark theme of the site I cannot see the value of the stepper whatsoever I saw that there is a dark theme available for the stepper but I just can't find it

Blackout screen on search/click on actions

I get this error when trying to search or use an attach action: ```VM339:21 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'dispatchEvent') at eval (eval at <anonymous> (module.esm.js:488:19), <anonymous>:21:43) at module.esm.js:859:7 at $r (module.esm.js:867:21)...

statePath variable missing some form fields

so i have a few forms on the same page, using multiple forms like this. a couple of those forms have a problem, where only 2-3 of their fields, seemingly at random, will be "detached" from the form, i.e. the console throws a livewire error about "" not found on component, and when inputting in those fields the data object will not update, and when trying to submit the form it will give a "property is req...
Even if they donโ€™t need default data you still have to call formFill in mount.

is it possible to create a Relationship Manager on Collection

I have the following relationship in my warehouse.php model. ``` public function products() {...

Searchable in select blade

Hola. Es posible que al blade del select: <x-filament::input.wrapper> < wire:model="status"> <option value="draft">Draft</option> <option value="reviewing">Reviewing</option>...

Login screen without text Inputs

Hello everyone. Today, without any explanation, my login screen disappeared from the email and password fields. Does anyone know what could have happened? The inputs didn't even appear in the HTML. Thank you.
Hi, so it doesn't show any errors in the console and it's in production. Last night I decided to turn off the vendor and create it again and it started working again. I don't know why, but it must have messed up something in the filament folder. Thanks
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Programatically move to next step using wizard in CreateRecord

I have a question about programatically moving to the next step using an action button in the panel resource wizard.

AttachAction in relationManager

I have a question about a situation I'm encoutring on my project. I have a PartnersRelationManager into my projectResource, I'm using create action if there are no partners to attach and then I show the attach btn. But what I really want, is to add a create btn in the attachAction, so I can create a new partner if I didn't find the exact partner to attach from the select list. Any ideas?? Thank you...
```php ->headerActions([ Tables\Actions\AttachAction::make() ->preloadRecordSelect() // Preload the select field values ->recordSelect(fn (Select $select) => $select->placeholder(__('projProgRelations.choosePartner'))) // change the select placeholder text...

Stumped on file handling files with Forms + Spatie Media on Custom Page

I'm having issues handling a file upload on a custom page. I know I'm probably doing something stupid, but wondering if anyone will give me a sanity check. ```php <?php...