Stumped on file handling files with Forms + Spatie Media on Custom Page
I'm having issues handling a file upload on a custom page. I know I'm probably doing something stupid, but wondering if anyone will give me a sanity check.
This is my custom page for a single account edit.
And below is the blade view for it:
On save, the
$data = $this->form->getState();
contains the name
input data, but no file uploads. Is it because of the data
state path?
I know I'm overlooking something simple but stuck at the moment3 Replies
I'm in the same situation as you. Did you find any solution?
Did you give the form access to the model?
this work for me on create page, but i have been stuck on how to load it in Cusom Edit Page,
this work for my custom edit page where, might also work for create haven't tried it.