AttachAction in relationManager
I have a question about a situation I'm encoutring on my project. I have a PartnersRelationManager into my projectResource, I'm using create action if there are no partners to attach and then I show the attach btn. But what I really want, is to add a create btn in the attachAction, so I can create a new partner if I didn't find the exact partner to attach from the select list.
Any ideas??
Thank you
Solution:Jump to solution
->preloadRecordSelect() // Preload the select field values
->recordSelect(fn (Select $select) => $select->placeholder(__('projProgRelations.choosePartner'))) // change the select placeholder text...
13 Replies
I used this code an I got the following screenshots
and place your creation action in here.
Then you can create if you can't find one in search.
And without using the whole code under the recordSelect(...) ?
Hello, can you please give me more details because I couldn't make it work.
very rough quickfreehand code
I used Filament\Tables\Actions\Action (which is working) because the Filament\Forms\Components\Actions\Action produces an error of instantiation must to be done first then I can proceed. The problem here is when I click on "soumettre" btn nothing happend, no error and no database record insertion done. It's like it's not submitted,
Any ideas?
try: ->formForm([]) on the action
here is my code
I didn't get any result on the docs about this method
Place it:
just to test if nothing happens, then on the Partner dd() it to see if ti's being hit.
I tried to dd the data in the action function but nothing showed up, and I also tried to log some text there, but nothing logged.
do you mean to place form( .... ) by fillForm(....)?
try changing create to create_partner
No i did not
Here is the final solution :
You can acheive it without the ->form(....) but if you want to control the creation form, it's good to use it.