


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


Weird random issues with Filament Table using Sushi on swapping users.

Hello, I have a table that consumes from an API and displays data in a table using sushi. It works great but. I have noticed that if I -> login with a user A ---> it shows data correctly ( using user A params, Im tracking petitions in API server to check params of petitions)-->logoff -> in the same page without reloading login with user B (using user B params) NOW sometimes the table still displays A data (even if server recived B params correctly and returned B data). Any ideas of what can be causing that. Thanks in advance. ...

Table Column Labels

I have a table and one of the columns is an icon and so I don't want a label to show. I do this by setting ->label('') because there doesn't seem to be a ->hiddenLabel() on table columns. However, when I set ->toggleable() on the column it appears in the list with no label - like the below. Any ideas how to get around this?...
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In a iconButton action, is it possible to make the iconSize larger than Large without using css?

I have this view action: ```php Tables\Actions\ViewAction::make() ->iconButton() ->size('xl'),...

display all select field options but make it searchable as well

Is there a way to make a select field searchable but display all options as well?

FileUpload (image) not working in staging but works locally

When uploading an image I get the following error in staging: (see img) I've found the following article but I dont use S3, I use public
fixed, permission issue.. im nub 💀 (chmod 777, checked console errors)
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Nested Repeater data not pre-populated to edit form

Hello, I had used Nested Repeater for parent child elements added dynamically, it willl work and also saved in database but when i open edit for child repeater data is not pre-populated....

Whats the best way to use Filament Tables in a Custom Package

So I am making a Laravel package and part of that is a small UI. I would love to use Filament Tables on that UI as it would solve most of the problems and save a bunch of time but my question is what is the best way. The installing project may or may not have filament installed. Whats the best way to include the assets regarded for Filament?...

New Button Underneath Form

Hi everyone, can I add new button here (please see screenshot). I want to add another button to move to review page. Thanks...
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afterStateUpdated not firing when removing from multiple FileUpload

I have a FileUpload field in a custom Livewire component: ```php FileUpload::make('images') ->disk('public')...

Auto naming based on 3 select input fields

So i want to auto naming the program name based on user input on 3 select option , the type of internship , start month and get the current name of the requester, its like a slug but dependant on more fields, how to achieve that? the format of the program name will be "name - type - start month"
Make your select inputs ->live() Then use something like this
->afterStateHydrated(fn(Forms\Get $get, Forms\Set $set) => self::setProgramName($get, $set))
->afterStateHydrated(fn(Forms\Get $get, Forms\Set $set) => self::setProgramName($get, $set))
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toggle component issue

is anyone else having issues with the Toggle element? the active state is exceeding the component border.
Actually no, I was trying to build a 3D css animation, and the package I installed messed up

hasCombinedRelationManagerTabsWithContent together with infolist breaks

I got a simple resource with an infolist and some relationmanager on a ViewPage. This combination seems to break the tab navigation for some reason. If i either disable hasCombinedRelationManagerTabsWithContent OR change the Infolist to a form the navigation between the tabs work. The error thrown is always in livewire.jsUncaught Component not found: ANYCOMPONENTID Breaking it down:...

Saas with filament

Which saas tool is recommended for filament (classic variant option 1,2,3). (My roles and permissens will be create with shield.) Or a Panel for any saas option? What can or should I consider at the beginning of a filament project in case I want to make a saas out of it later? Or should I start with a saas shell at the beginning of a project? There are a tutorial?...
for one-time payments, we had a tutorial using Stripe:

Testing form actions

Couldn't see this in the docs. Given that a livewire component is set up with a custom form and action as follows: ```php public function form(Form $form): Form {...

Error when adding a new item to REPEAT.

Hi, I have an error that I can't solve in any way. I've already searched and nothing. I have a Repeat that is accessing a ManyToMany Relationship. I did everything according to the documentation and it is reading and saving correctly, but when I ask it to save a new record or edit a record, it saves correctly, but gives this error on the screen. If I cancel the error and see, it saved everything correctly. I'll attach the codes I used. Thank you.
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Tenant users - hide certain statuses from the menu

I am trying to show tenant users and their teams in two areas of my app. One is a filament resource page called Users, a table view with users in the current tenant that have the following status in team_user table: A, B Code for it...
Figured it out. The view uses getTenants() `public function getTenants(Panel $panel): Collection { return $this->teams()->where('team_user.status', 'A')->get();...

Can't insert table in TinyEditor plugin

Inserting table is not working on TinyEditor specifically if you're using slideover or modal

Alpine Error on Tenant Switcher Dropdown

Hello, i have setup a multi-tenant filament panel. However when i click the dropdown nothing happens and throws alpine errors in the console:
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Full page loading

Is it possible to add, for eaxample when forms saving, a full page loading indicator? Thanks...