Created by czehnter on 3/10/2025 in #❓┊help
How to make data in Livewire component reactive?
Hi, I have a Livewire component inside my form where I'm passing values for width and height like this:
Livewire::make(WindowPreview::class, fn(Get $get) = ['width' => $get('width'),
'height' => $get('height')])
Livewire::make(WindowPreview::class, fn(Get $get) = ['width' => $get('width'),
'height' => $get('height')])
In the component class I define the variables like this:
public ?int $width;
public ?int $height;
public ?int $width;
public ?int $height;
and then I can use {{ $width }} in the blade view. However, the data does not seem to be reactive this way. If I change the values in the form fields, they are not getting updated in the Livewire component. Both text fields in the form are ->live() of course. What can I do to make the values reactive?
13 replies
Created by czehnter on 2/26/2025 in #❓┊help
How to dynamically set defaults for Repeater fields?
Hi, I want to dynamically set the defaults of some Repeater fields, based on a "global" value from a different Form field outside of the Repeater. For example: - "global" Select Field for a color -> red selected - Repeater has a Select Field color too, that should have the default red (but can be changed independently, so not the same field ID) I can do that for the first visible Repeater Item using afterStateUpdated(), but I don't know how to do that for every newly created Item that is not available on pageload.
3 replies
Created by czehnter on 2/14/2025 in #❓┊help
How to sort navigation items within a navigation group?
If I put a resource in a $navigationGroup, the
protected static ?int $navigationSort
protected static ?int $navigationSort
variable doesn't seem to change the sorting within the group. Is there any other way to manipulate the order in the group?
4 replies
Created by czehnter on 2/13/2025 in #❓┊help
Notifications not working on custom `create` view
Hi, I'm having a hard time getting the (standard) notifications to work on my custom view for a CreateRecord Resource. Notifications work on all default panel pages except for this one, so I think it has to do something with it being a custom view. I copied the contents of vendor/filament/filament/resources/views/resources/pages/create-record.blade.php to my custom view as described in the docs. The notifications get properly triggered and I can see it in livewire – it's just not getting displayed. Do I have add something to the custom view in order to display them? Thanks!
7 replies
Created by czehnter on 1/14/2025 in #❓┊help
preserveFilenames() not working with SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload
Hi, I'm using the SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload in a Form Builder. The docs say: "You may use the field in the same way as the original file upload field", however I can't get preserveFilenames() to work. The uploaded files are always renamed - the instruction seems to get ignored completely. Is there anything I'm missing?
12 replies
Created by czehnter on 12/11/2024 in #❓┊help
How to use all available Tailwind classes in custom ViewRecord page?
I'm building a custom ViewRecord page inside my panelbuilder, where I want to use all CSS classes provided by Tailwind, not just the ones provided by filament. I've found a solution that suggests adding ->viteTheme('resources/css/app.css') to the AdminPanelProvider. This works in theory and makes the additional classes available, but breaks the panel in some places (some formfields are broken, colors are missing etc.). Is there any other way to achieve this without breaking filament?
13 replies
Created by czehnter on 11/8/2024 in #❓┊help
Toggle buttons not working in form integrated in custom ViewRecord page
Hi, I have integrated a form in a custom ViewRecord blade template. The form is defined in the Resource as secondForm() and then integrated into the ViewRecord by defining the getForms() method in the ViewRecord class (e.g. UserResources/Pages/ViewUser.php). The form is rendered in the blade template via {{ $this->secondForm }}. This works in principle, but for every Toggle element used in the form I get the following console error: Livewire Entangle Error: Livewire property ['data.removal'] cannot be found on component: ['app.filament...view-user']. What could cause this error?
2 replies
Created by czehnter on 10/10/2024 in #❓┊help
Selectively saving form builder fields in different DB columns
Hi, I built a large form with many input fields in a livewire component with form builder. Most of the fields will be saved directly to their corresponding DB columns, so just creating a new model with $this->form->getState() is fine. However, I want to exclude some of the fields and combine them into a single JSON DB column. Is there any way to exclude fields from the getState() method and save those manually?
5 replies
Created by czehnter on 9/25/2024 in #❓┊help
Triggering afterStateUpdated() with $set()?
Hi, I'm trying to to use the afterStateUpdated() method on a TextInput Field, that has been updated/filled by the $set() method from another field. Updating the value using $set() does not seem to trigger the afterStateUpdated() method (unless I'm doing something wrong). Is this not possible? Or how can I achieve this?
7 replies