


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


Get values from filters

Hello everyone. I have a table with some filters in it and I have a Header Action to generate the PDF. I would like to know how I get the values ​​of the filters that I used in the search before clicking on the PDF Action? Thanks

Help with TinyMCE, duplicate the textarea

Hey guys, i need help with a configuration for use an html editor in a text area in a form please, i use a cdn for tinycme editor in the textarea but, for any reason when i use the select and add the id=mensaje, here
selector: 'textarea#mensaje',
selector: 'textarea#mensaje',
the textarea in the form is duplicated... can understand why happen this! any idea about my problem friends? this a Laravel project, not use filament for the form, it's only laravel and livewire...

Preset attributes according to selected tab/previously created record

I have an Event resource. I display it with tabs filtered for a type, like one tab for type "A", one for type "B" etc. When you click on Create on the top right it should prefill the new record with the type that was previously selected as tab. I achieved this by overwriting this method: ```php...

Stop uploading file to my server when using bunny video streaming

I am using Bunny to store videos (it's something like Vimeo). When I upload the video, it uploads first to my machine by livewire, then I handle it to be uploaded to bunny after submitting I don't want to upload files to my machine before uploading to bunny, as they can be too large ...


Hello. I have a modal named Cdr, it has 90 records, I had a Table Widget that shows all those records, I added the ExportBulkAction in order to select or filter records and export them to Excel: ```php ->bulkActions([...
Filament should use uniqueid then. Not sure what's the issue. But I'd guess it's not the Exporter but the BulkAction that cannot identify the records correctly
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Custom FileUpload action

Hello everyone, I have a RelationManager form which has a FileUpload input, I want to get file information same as in liverwire, so how can I do that ? `public function form(Form $form): Form { return $form...

Is possible have an input can be select and text input in same time ?

Is possible have an input can be select and text input in same time like if the data exist shows in select input, if not can be add in the text input...

PanalsRenderHook doesnt acce[t @script tag

I have created panals render hook in the header but when i want to implement js i get this error
Using $this when not in object context
Using $this when not in object context

Best approach to save "price" field

What is the best approach to save decimal values like price, subtotal, and total in a Laravel migration? In my app, I’m using
$table->decimal('total', 10, 2);
$table->decimal('total', 10, 2);
but since I’m using PostgreSQL, it’s not working. I’m also trying to format the values like this:...

order tenancy menu

Working on multi-tenancy ( The tenant menu in top left is ordering by ID on the table, how can I alter this so it orders alphabetically on the title?

cluster issue

im trying to configure a cluster like the tutorial but getting this (attached image) , this is my setting and structure attached image what im missing? thank you...
nevermind, forgot to run migrations
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Database notifications & tenancy

Anyone thought about\tried dealing with separating out database notifications for tenancy situations. Can you have notifications only showing on the active tenant ?...

Dédicated page relation mùanager

Hello everyone, I have a ressource list post. Some of the post can have multiple authors and other not. I would like to have a link into my action dropdown (only for the post who can have multi authors) to access to a dedicated page for the authors. I don't want that the relation manager appear in the post edit form. Thx in advance Fred...

Can't make it 2 columns on small screen

I have a custom widget ```html <x-filament-widgets::widget> <x-filament::section>...
You’ll need to do a custom theme if you’re using panels and make sure your custom widget’s views are in the content of the theme tailwind.config.js

laravel breeze logout

I have laravel breeze installed. I created the guard customer. But when I logout as a customer the admin also logs out. How can I prevent this?

XSS Protection with "amidesfahani/filament-tinyeditor" in Laravel Filament V3

I'm using the "amidesfahani/filament-tinyeditor": "^2.0" package. What measures do you use to protect against XSS attacks? Do you have any recommendations or could you help with this?


Hi all I am having trouble finding a hook that will let me display content underneath the Sub Navigation on a resource. I've tried all the hooks and the best I can find is PAGE_SUB_NAVIGATION_START_AFTER but that shows the content next to the sub navigation rather than under it. ...

Weird random issues with Filament Table using Sushi on swapping users.

Hello, I have a table that consumes from an API and displays data in a table using sushi. It works great but. I have noticed that if I -> login with a user A ---> it shows data correctly ( using user A params, Im tracking petitions in API server to check params of petitions)-->logoff -> in the same page without reloading login with user B (using user B params) NOW sometimes the table still displays A data (even if server recived B params correctly and returned B data). Any ideas of what can be causing that. Thanks in advance. ...

Table Column Labels

I have a table and one of the columns is an icon and so I don't want a label to show. I do this by setting ->label('') because there doesn't seem to be a ->hiddenLabel() on table columns. However, when I set ->toggleable() on the column it appears in the list with no label - like the below. Any ideas how to get around this?...
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