GeRaged | Niklas
Update Checkboxes when select something
Hey, I have a Select with strings as options and checkboxes. When I select a specific string I want to filter out all checkboxes that are not compatible with the string. How Can I do this inside a form?
2 replies
Use Icons
Hey I tried to use the icons linked in the documentation, but I got this error
Svg by name "tabler-social" from set "default" not found. replies
How to make own form component
Is there a detailed tutorial somewhere on how to make your own form components and then use them? I only found this ( but this is not detailed so much.
5 replies
Outsource Form
What is the best way to store forms that I use frequently? For example, I have a model in which I have to select another model and also have a "+" in the select to create a model for it. And then a model opens, which is then identical to the page where I could also create the model. There I would use quasi then 2 times the same form. So where would I store this most logical?
4 replies