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coder in Windows Docker Desktop

I know this is probably a weird question but maybe its come up before. Nothing popped up in the search. Has anyone got code running under windows in docker desktop? Any tips on where I might read about such efforts? I mapped docker socket what seems to be correct but when I try to create a docker workspace I see errors i the log 'curl -fsSL http://host.docker.internal/bin/coder-linux-amd64 'failed to download coder agent' 'The requested URL returned error:403'. Seems like the workspace can't talk to the coder server. Also, in the health section Derp says `netcheck: [v1] measuring ICMP latency of coder (999): no address for node 999b netcheck: [v1] netcheck: measuring http(s) latency of coder (999): dial tcp6 [::1]:80: cannot assign reqeusted address...

Issue with coder_access_url

Hi, I'm launching coder through a terraform-script using the official AWS AMI. After changing the CODER_ACCESS_URL=http://...... I still get forwarded to some random address in us-east i.e when trying to access it....

Docker Template. Start/stop workspace without delete docker container

Is there any way to stop workspace and keep container - When create workspace -> create container - When stop workspace -> stop container - When start workspace -> restart old container Can it done with write template or must be custom source coder...

I get 'Error: expected arch to be one of [amd64 armv7 arm64], got arm' but the CPU is armv7

Hey, I have installed Coder with Docker on my Raspberry PI which has an armv7 architecture, but I get an error. (see screenshot)...
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Exec format error on pod (ARM arch)

Hello, I installed Coder (using kube) on a rasp, but when I create a workspace (using a kube template), one of my pods ends with exec format error. I guess it comes from the image being compiled for x86 and not ARM. Is there any image that I can use/find that supports ARM arch ? If not, where can I find the sources to compile the image into ARM ? Thanks...
If Coder (coder provisioner) is running on an ARM64 machine will return arch64. But as you wish to have your workspaces on another machine you should not use this but set the arch of coder_agent resource to correct value i.e. AMD64....


WARNING: script exited successfully, but output pipes were not closed after 10s. This usually means a child process was started with references to stdout or stderr. As a result, this process may now have been terminated. Consider redirecting the output or using a separate "coder_script" for the process, see for more information.

Password for authenticating workspaces with external services

Hey, I'm setting up a coder environment for a internal setup, and I'm wondering if it's possible to let a user type in a username/password for a internal service (e.g. fileshare), (or access the user password with terraform. I thought about letting the user type in a password as a workspace parameter, but obviously that's not secretly stored, and it's even impossible to hide it in the workspace parameters as there is nothing "type = password" in the parameters. I'm thankful for any help!...

[RESOLVED] Having issues getting coder_apps to appear in my Workspace

Hello, I have been familiarizing myself with Coder the past few days, and it is fantastic. I just have one thing that I'm getting pretty stuck on and I'm hoping that I can get some help. I am using the guacamole terraform provider by techBeck03, and it creates a guacamole connection that I can connect to at I am trying to get that URL as a clickable link on my Coder Workspace, but I can't seem to figure out how to get it to appear. It seems logical that I could create a coder_app resource with the url set to the desired URL and external=true. While building the template doesn't give me issues, it doesn't actually display it anywhere. This is the primary reference material I am looking at: ...

Need some help with understanding how the code server command creates a tunnel

How coder ssh works? Is it directly connecting users to workspaces or is the coder server acting like a proxy
Coder makes use of a tailnet(tail scale networking) to connect users and their workspaces peer to peer. It uses STUN servers to find a direct route between the two ends....

is it possible to use coder to develop flutter apps?

I tried Coder and is great for developing spring/java applications, but I wonder if it is possible to create a workspace to build flutter apps for android. Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks...

Modify coder serviceaccount when deploying with helm charts

Hello, I'm using helm charts and argocd to deploy coder. I have a use case where I'm trying to use kubernetes to deploy additional workspaces with coder, the coder serviceaccount is trying to access an apigroup provided by a custom operator for deploying another application. I can modify the role directly, but argocd detects a change to the configuration and overwrites the additional permissions. I don't believe the helm chart supports adding custom role permissions. If it does can someone provide guidance on how I would do that?...

Coder on, stuck with error "Resource not found or you do not have access to this resource"

Hi, I tried to follow the tutorial here step by step I'm stuck at step 5. Create the new template by running the following command from the fly-docker-image directory: The error is: Resource not found or you do not have access to this resource...
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latest coder server + wgtunnel currently giving 404 errors

I created an with the full configuration details, as it may be that I'm missing something obvious to others: rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/coderv2/{url,devtunnel,postgres/data} coder server --wg-tunnel-host ...
As well as having all the usual annotations for websockets: ```yaml --- apiVersion: kind: Ingress...

envbox + envbuilder template

In my attempts to get a secure k3s-compatiable coder setup working, I am trying to get envbuilder to work from inside envbox. ``` {"ts":"2023-08-21T03:24:35.37819366Z","level":"ERROR","msg":"send startup logs","caller":"/home/runner/work/envbox/envbox/buildlog/coder.go:116","func":"*CoderLogger).processLogs.func1","fields":{"error":"Patch "\": context canceled"}} run: get image metadata: start container: Error response from daemon: failed to create task for container: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:425: starting container process caused: exec: "sleep": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown...

Docker Dind Volume Issue

Hey team I’m struggling to build the following setup I have my Linux virtual machine running on Azure acting as a coder host ...

Web UI is not accessible with Docker installation

Hello, how do I open web access to coder running in a docker? I try to run it according to the manual:
docker run --rm -it -e CODER_ACCESS_URL="https://..." -e CODER_PG_CONNECTION_URL="postgresql://..." -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
docker run --rm -it -e CODER_ACCESS_URL="https://..." -e CODER_PG_CONNECTION_URL="postgresql://..." -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
Seems like it's running correctly:...

Permission denied creating first template

I know its been posted before but I cant find the solution. My friend got Coder working on our Ubuntu 22.04 with docker-compose. The error is: ```Error: Error pinging Docker server: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/_ping": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied on line 21, in provider "docker":...
uncomment the group_add line and change 998 to the GID of your Docker group

Docker-Compose Setup with Socket Proxy, Traefik2 & Docker Secrets

Hello there! I`m a first time user trying to setup Coder to easily create JupyterLab and RStudio Workspaces for my Physics Study's. My current Docker Compose setup includes: - Traefik2 as reverse proxy - Docker Socket Proxy for enchanted security - Authelia (with a Postgres Database) as 2FA Auth Service...

Cannot create template, docker socket permission denied

Hi all, I am trying to create a template using the coder template create command on a template I had previously installed. However this time it complains that ``` Error: Error pinging Docker server: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/_ping": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied...

I want to install extensions from visual studio marketplace

I saw someone has answer here, but now sure how do I do that. . I want to install copilot but couldn't find it on code-server. Do I just set that variable inside code-server, or in the host machine? I'm quite confuse. Can someone help:)