Community server for, an open-source platform for cloud development environments.


Does coderd support x-forwarded-for headers?

Hey, I am just asking my self how to configued coderd to get the user IP from the x-forwarded-for header from a reverse proxy like nginx. Is this even currently possible?...

Custom button, like the code-server one?

I setup a resource block like I saw in some of the example Coder templates for a different service running in my workspace, Tilt: ``` resource "coder_app" "tilt" { agent_id =

Prevent destroying and recreating home volume on workspace update

Using this example template: When I make a change to cloud-config.tftpl, the volume that houses my user's home directory gets destroyed and recreated each time I update the workspace to the newest version of my template. How can I prevent this? I'd like to be able to push a new version of the template that, say, installs some additional program, and have the user be able to update their workspace to the new version without blasting whatever the user was working on in their home directory....

Coder agent infinite connecting loop using certificate

hi, on fresh install inside a 22.04 LTS ubuntu server updated, coder agent is not working. (using deb package, latest version) ``` status: ⦿ Connecting os:...

kubernetes workspace - code-server-button unhealthy

Hi all, hope youre doing fine. i try to get coder running inside kubernetes, following ... so far so good, but the "code-server-button" says "unhealthy" Terminal-Button works fine I dont know where to look at, any ideas? 🙂...
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Using Docker provider that depends on another

Is there a way for me to specify a provider that depends on another? I want to use Docker to provision a container once I spin up a VM on another provider. Like this: ```terraform provider "docker" { host = "tcp://${fly_machine.machine[0].privateip}:2375" }...

How to set workspace quota limits after 0.9.2 update?

How to set workspace quota limits after 0.9.2 update?

How can I setup an SSL?

hey there, im running the server on ubuntu 20.04, how can I install an SSL on it? Also, how can I work on a dynamic website using the code server? Like have the codeserver on port 80 and the website on port 30...

Docker templates not working whenever a subfolder is used

If the docker images are in a subfolder, the workspace will straight up fail to create. here are the logs : ``` Initializing the backend......

Agent stuck at connecting

Hey, I run Coder behind Traefik for SSL. I can reach my Coder instance, but if I click on a running workspace the agent is stuck on Connecting. Another user had a similar issue with HAProxy, but I do not understand how they solved it.

`coder_app` resource doesn't proxy non localhost addresses

I have PGAdmin running in a separate container with the hostname pgadmin. I have specified a coder_app resource like this: ``` resource "coder_app" "pgadmin" {...

PVC Creating forever...

I'm trying to deploy Coder.OSS on K8S... during the workspace provisioning, TF reports volume.claim creating until time exceeded. On K8S, the PVC shows as pending. Any clue?...
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hashicorp mirror

Hi, im try deploing coder-oss to my homelab kubernetes, and im get following error on coder pod starts: ``` ==> Logs will stream in below (press ctrl+c to gracefully exit): Unexpected error, shutting down server: install terraform: failed to obtain product version from "": 404 Not Found Shutting down API server......

Error failed to refresh cached credentials, no EC2 IMDS role found, operation error ec2imds GetMet

I get Error: failed to refresh cached credentials, no EC2 IMDS role found, operation error ec2imds: GetMetadata, http response error StatusCode: 404, request to EC2 IMDS failed running coder templates push My providers are terraform { required_providers { coder = { source = "coder/coder" version = "0.4.3" } docker = { source = "kreuzwerker/docker" version = "~> 2.22.0" } aws = { source = "hashicorp/aws" version = ">= 4.3.0" } }} ...

Issues connecting to workspace

Hello, I have set up a coder server and I was able to create a workspace from the example docker template successfully. However, I cannot access this workspace in any way. Ssh gives me the error message
registry.OpenKey(SOFTWARE\Tailscale IPN): The system cannot find the file specified.
registry.OpenKey(SOFTWARE\Tailscale IPN): The system cannot find the file specified.

Hi coders, is it possible to select the amount of resources in your dev env?

I have a repo where I do ML stuff. In this repo my workflow involves writing code into a python lib and accessing that code from notebooks usually. It would be super useful if I could select my machine type for the dev env. For example I would like to use m6g.large for when I'm developing scripts but then use r6g.4xlarge when I'd like to run the code for real. (This would be for an enterprise plan if that's relevant)...

Terminal times out very quickly

Hi all, we are using the Terminal functionality in Coder OSS and we're finding that it times out very quickly. Sometimes within seconds. Is there a way we can increase this?

Connect SSH with docker-code-server

Hello how are you? I'm trying to connect my workspace 'docker-code-server', via SSH, I did the steps described here but I don't understand how to ssh coder .<name-of-my-workspace> might work, as I'm running the coder on a remote server..