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Created by Mr_Neezer on 10/14/2022 in #help
SSH Config for other apps?
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Created by Mr_Neezer on 10/7/2022 in #help
Custom button, like the code-server one?
I setup a resource block like I saw in some of the example Coder templates for a different service running in my workspace, Tilt:
resource "coder_app" "tilt" {
agent_id =
name = "tilt"
icon = ""
url = "http://localhost:10350"
subdomain = false

healthcheck {
url = "http://localhost:10350"
interval = 3
threshold = 10
resource "coder_app" "tilt" {
agent_id =
name = "tilt"
icon = ""
url = "http://localhost:10350"
subdomain = false

healthcheck {
url = "http://localhost:10350"
interval = 3
threshold = 10
The button shows up on my workspace dashboard in Coder, and seems to accurately reflect the status (yay!). But trying to navigate to it and all my assets are broken; I think because they are relative to the root /asset/path and not relative ./asset/path. I saw was recently pushed, but I don't understand how this helps with relative_path going away... or is that not related? I tried changing subdomain = true but that made no discernible difference. Confused.
5 replies
Created by Mr_Neezer on 10/7/2022 in #help
Prevent destroying and recreating home volume on workspace update
Using this example template: When I make a change to cloud-config.tftpl, the volume that houses my user's home directory gets destroyed and recreated each time I update the workspace to the newest version of my template. How can I prevent this? I'd like to be able to push a new version of the template that, say, installs some additional program, and have the user be able to update their workspace to the new version without blasting whatever the user was working on in their home directory.
72 replies