Created by Programmer_remote124 on 9/22/2022 in #help
Error failed to refresh cached credentials, no EC2 IMDS role found, operation error ec2imds GetMet
I get Error: failed to refresh cached credentials, no EC2 IMDS role found, operation error ec2imds: GetMetadata, http response error StatusCode: 404, request to EC2 IMDS failed running coder templates push My providers are terraform { required_providers { coder = { source = "coder/coder" version = "0.4.3" } docker = { source = "kreuzwerker/docker" version = "~> 2.22.0" } aws = { source = "hashicorp/aws" version = ">= 4.3.0" } }} running terraform plan works
3 replies
Created by Programmer_remote124 on 9/21/2022 in #help
Where can I attach an iam_instance_profile
Need to work with some other AWS services
4 replies
Created by Programmer_remote124 on 9/19/2022 in #help
Is there a guide to setting up a JupyterLab template on Coder OSS?
Either through docker or bare AWS.
33 replies
Created by Programmer_remote124 on 9/14/2022 in #help
Editing a template's with a terraform resource such as kinesis stream hangs
it hangs on workspace creation and eventually times out.
1 replies
Created by Programmer_remote124 on 9/9/2022 in #help
How to delete templates on Coder OSS?
Cant seem to find the button on the dashboard or any docs about it
8 replies
Created by Programmer_remote124 on 9/9/2022 in #help
Coder OSS- Agents keep randomly going offline
Workspace agents keep going offline on different workspaces and we dont have a way to bring them back up or diagnose why they went down.
4 replies
Created by Programmer_remote124 on 9/1/2022 in #help
Coder OSS VS-Code Integrated Terminal Help
code-server integrated terminal in the web IDE doesnt consistently work. Sometimes I can't click my cursor into it and it is not usable.
8 replies
Created by Programmer_remote124 on 8/29/2022 in #help
How can I enable RDPing into an ec2 instance created from the template aws-windows
Created an ec2 instance with with windows server from the given aws-windows template and I need to RDP into it.
17 replies