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Docker in Docker setup, reach services in outer docker network

Hi there, relatively new to Coder. I'm running Coder as a service in my Docker Swarm. Alongside Coder I also host a database I want to use for testing purposes. How do I connect to this database (that's running in the same network as the coder server) from my workspace? I can connect to databases that are publicly accessible through the internet and I can connect to databases hosted within my workspace container, but I can't figure out how to access services running on the "outer" docker network....

Error(Using Helm Chart) Template version job hasn't completed

Hi Folks, I'm new to Coder and ran into an error when trying to install the helm chart as per these instructions: After installing the postgresql database, creating the k8s secret, & deploying the helm chart I'm presented with a loading screen that doesn't seem to end (see screenshot)....

I'm having trouble getting a podworkspace going with sysbox on rke2

CreateContainerError (container create failed: time="2022-12-05T14:41:39Z" level=error msg="container_linux.go:425: starting container process caused: process_linux.go:607: container init caused: rootfs_linux.go:66: setting up rootfs mounts caused: rootfs_linux.go:1156: mounting "sysfs" to rootfs "/var/lib/sysbox/shiftfs/ec14ab72-ce4c-4e68-8199-8583bd01ba67" at "/sys" caused: mount through procfd: operation not permitted" )

.jar Loader

.jar Dosyasınının Loader ini Yapmak İstiyorum Yazılım Bilgim Az :) Language Turkey...


ssh-keyscan -t rsa doesn't work in the startup script in k8s template. Any reason why? I run it in the terminal after the workspace loads and its fine....

Configure SSH

Hey! I want to configure the SSH connection on my windows personal computer to bind it with my VPS-hosted Coder, but i'm quite struggling with it 🥲 Reproduction steps: 1. Download the last release on the repo...

Install code-server from AUR fails on manjaro image

I've setup a local kubernetes cluster and want to explorer features and possibilities with coder v2. We are planing to sell a profession license to use enterprise feature too. This is what i've done. Create a new docker image FROM manjarolinux/base:latest and installed some tools for my development. To my surprise the install script for code-server detects my distro and clones the git repo and starts building. Until this point is all fine. But the script stops after creating the pacman package file. If I do manually install the package and start the code-server the health check wents green. Any idea why this stocks in installation?...

Install script doesnt update on rpm package with error about file conflicts

1. I run thissudo curl -L | sh 2. Output:file /usr/lib/systemd/system/coder.service from install of coder-0:0.13.1-1.aarch64 conflicts with file from package coder-0:0.9.2-1.aarch64 3. sudo systemctl restart coder...

Right format for PG Connection String?

Hey all! I have an ec2 instance that can connect to an aurora postgresql db via psql. Filling out the PG connection URL in the coder.env file doesnt work - Coder just uses the builtin postgre no matter what. I dont receive any errors in the logs Following this guide what is the right format for the string?

git clone

Set up on aks from helm no issues. Set up github sso no issues. Trying to tweak the standard k8s template to clone repo via ssh. Gives me error saying my key is no good. I’m sure there is a sample somewhere as this is pretty common I should think. Can you point me in the right direction?...

[RESOLVED] [Git] Unable to auto-detect email address

Hey! I'm trying to make an initial commit to a specific repo during my Docker image build, but it outputs me this error: ``` Author identity unknown...

Error creating workspace from golang docker image

Error: Error: failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition: pull access denied, repository does not exist or may require authorization: server message: insufficient_scope: authorization failed Using this example

Kubernetes Pod recreation causing issue.

We are 100% on spot instances for our EKS cluster and I'm trying to manage kubernetes pod with Kuberentes deployment to make sure Pod get self heal whenever it's get re-created. Looks like it's causing issue because of Pod name changes every time it gets recreated and Coder throws error
"error": update replica:*Manager).syncReplicas /home/runner/work/coder/coder/enterprise/replicasync/replicasync.go:292 - sql: no rows in result set
"error": update replica:*Manager).syncReplicas /home/runner/work/coder/coder/enterprise/replicasync/replicasync.go:292 - sql: no rows in result set
No description

Workspace state running but not started

Creating a workspace using the default template docker-image-builds and using node as an example

Basic Jupyter setup with code server

Hi everyone just installed coder and trying to set up a template with vscode-server and Jupyter I followed the docs and added the entries in my main,tf file and in templates page the app shows. However when a workspace is deployed there is no option for Jupyter any ideas on this ?
No description

TF_LOG verbose Terraform output?

How do I get Coder to show verbose Terraform logs? I'm trying to start a workspace but getting one of the Terraform AWS provider's less helpful error messages where it doesn't tell you what IAM action it doesn't have permission to complete: ```...

Cannot create DinD container.

I followed the guide here but DinD contianer keeps restarting throwing error.
time="2022-11-21T16:52:47.208505924Z" level=fatal msg="Error starting daemon: open /var/run/ permission denied"
time="2022-11-21T16:52:47.208505924Z" level=fatal msg="Error starting daemon: open /var/run/ permission denied"

Failed to accept WebSocket connection WebSocket protocol violation

I am overhauling our Coder server deployment. It is in a private AWS subnet with an AWS client VPN endpoint allowing my laptop to connect to the subnet. I can use the HTTP API (via simple commands like workspaces list in the CLI) and access the web dashboard. However when I run the template create command I get a weird networking error. This new deployment of Coder is much more locked down and only allows traffic on the port in the access URL. Additionally now the Coder server is behind an Nginx reverse proxy. Here is the full terminal output:...

I have coder setup in kubernetes and trying to setup workspace in kubernetes as well.

I tied to setup workspace but I get
Error: Invalid attribute in provider configuration
unable to convert log level unknown
'config_path' refers to an invalid path: "/home/coder/.kube/config": stat /home/coder/.kube/config: no such file or directory
Error: Invalid attribute in provider configuration
unable to convert log level unknown
'config_path' refers to an invalid path: "/home/coder/.kube/config": stat /home/coder/.kube/config: no such file or directory
Now the question is where should I configure that kube config? when I setup the coder with helm so it can be used by every workspace? or with in terraform of workspace?...