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Unable to create opensaas project

Hi! I don't know why i'm getting this error, trying to create a new project: ```...

wasp command does not work in docker

I am trying to install wasp within a docker image, but it keeps failing.

Trying to install wasp within a docker image, and it always fail

I am trying to install wasp within a docker image (to subsequently build the client app). But wasp version command keeps failing. Here is my dockerfile for reference. Can someone help me spot my mistake ```...

A possible bug: wasp deploy fly deploy resets the server URL

Hello Waspeteers! 👋 When we use the wasp deploy fly deploy command, it looks like the server URL (env variable when building the client here: https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/blob/8d5530519bb5e99ec7d87caf3c807785f19954dc/waspc/packages/deploy/src/providers/fly/deploy/deploy.ts#L107) is being derived from the base name (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/blob/8d5530519bb5e99ec7d87caf3c807785f19954dc/waspc/packages/deploy/src/providers/fly/DeploymentInfo.ts#L30). Can we override this somehow? We are using the deploy-action (https://github.com/wasp-lang/deploy-action) in our CI and our server URL is api.schooltendance.com. This gets reset to the fly.dev URL every time we 🚢....

How do I change the text that appears when I share my URL

How do I change the text that appears when I share my URL on something like imessage. right now it shows "My open saas app" like in the image attached
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Getting network errors when trying to authenticate when running app with remote database locally

I'm currently trying to test out some functionality locally that requires using the production database - I'm proxying requests to to a localhost port and can access the right data for sure (I can see it when I run wasp db studio) The specifc error I get is "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED"...

When i'm running wasp db migrate-dev, that's what i get

wasp db migrate-dev 🐝 --- Compiling wasp project... -------------------------------------------------- ...

database subscriptiontier and subscriptionstatus do not get updated on stripe completion

database subscriptiontier and subscriptionstatus do not get updated on stripe completion

find-or-create with social login -- SaaS template

Using the SaaS template, is there a way to get a sort of find-or-create behavior from social login? Take this case, for example: I go to /signup and signup with GitHub. I have an email [email protected]. If I try to go to /login and log in with google, the existing user should be found and logged in, no? What I’m seeing is that I get an error: “Save failed: user with the same identity already exists”. Wasp v0.14.0...

Struggling with initial installation (Mac, M2)

Have looked around and seen others with the issue, but really struggling to solve. WARNING: It looks like '/Users/user/.local/bin' is not on your PATH! You will not be able to invoke wasp from the terminal by its name. You can add it to your PATH by adding following line into your profile file (~/.profile or ~/.zshrc or ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc or some other, depending on your configuration): export PATH=$PATH:/Users/username/.local/bin...

when im runnig wasp start db, db is not connecting, just this happens and that's it endlessly

wasp start db ✨ Starting a PostgreSQL dev database (based on your Wasp config) ✨ Additional info: ℹ Connection URL, in case you might want to connect with external tools:...

wasp db migrate-dev could not resolve [email protected]

I'm using MacOS and I'm tryng to install OpenSaaS by following the guide but when I try to run "wasp db migrate-dev"(both node 18 and 20) I get the following error: ❯ wasp db migrate-dev 🐝 --- Compiling wasp project... --------------------------------------------------...

Installing mantine hooks got this error!

Mantine is a opensource UI library: npm install @mantine/core @mantine/hooks npm warn ERESOLVE overriding peer dependency npm warn While resolving: [email protected]...

When i'm running this line - wasp db-migrate dev, Im getting this error

🐝 --- Compiling wasp project... -------------------------------------------------- wasp: /home/runner/.cabal/share/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.10.7/waspc-0.14.0/Generator/templates/react-app/README.md: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)...

Uncaught Error when using prisma inside `app/src/server/utils.ts`

While working on creating jobs, I created a utility for logging inside the server/utils.ts I wasn't checking the front-end from time to time as I was testing the job using postman. However upon visiting the front-end @ localhost it doesn't work, it says uncaught error. ...
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Best way to use jobs/workers

I've created jobs/workers for most of the functions that are using external APIs (such as my SERP API or OpenAI) to ensure the task are properly executed. Unfortunately, now, it happens sometimes that I run into problems with PGBoss and the Postgres DB saying that there are too many connections. At the moment, I create a PBBoss instance for each job/worker....

Has anyone succeeded in using leaflet package with opensaas? (Could be a Vite issue?)

[wasp ^0.14.0, macbook M2 Sonoma 14.5] I've implemented a map in jsx using "leaflet, react-leaflet, react-leaflet-draw". The page loads fine except the map. I've been able to build the same page using jsx in a different repo without wasp. (it only uses react to build this). When run (wasp start), I get [ Client!] The request url "/../app/node_modules/leaflet-draw/dist/images/spritesheet.svg" is outside of Vite serving allow list....

Opensaas with new wasp version failed to install dependencies

Hello guys. I am starting a new project and of course using our beloved opensaas template and wasp, but it fails to install the dependencies for what I could see from the logged errors. I tried to used the npm I --force to see if I could overcome it but when I tried to migrate the db in order to start the app it fails again because it tries to install the dependencies. I am assuming it's something with the dependency version or related because of the error I got.
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Correct way of using environment variables when deploying via CLI

I've been looking at the documentation and am slightly confused around the way to deploy. I don't know if I'm overthinking it, but according to the docs the server secrets are set like this:
wasp deploy fly cmd secrets set GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=<...> GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=<...> --context=server
wasp deploy fly cmd secrets set GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=<...> GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=<...> --context=server
Does that mean you basically go through the .env.server file and add all the variables in one long command?...

Migrating Wasp / OpenSaaS app from 0.11.8 to the latest version

Wasp ppls, I have a Wasp / Open SaaS app that is currently at v0.11.8, and I want to migrate it to the latest one. What is the migration path I should follow? Shall I go through every release note and incrementally update from one version to another, or is there an easier way? Thanks for helping a fellow Wasp user 😄...