Created by Wlski on 9/5/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Nginx ssl certificates broke client/server communication?
Running Docker container with docker compose on digital ocean droplet. Containers: - wasp client (8043:80) - wasp server (3001:3001) - fastapi web (8000) - redis (irrelevant for this, i think) - background worker (also irrelevant) - nginx (maybe super relevant? 80:80 & 443:443) app deployed just fine, everything talked to each other and life was great until I certbotted ssl certificates and plugged them into nginx. Now all of the sudden nothing is talking to anything else. I suspect this is maybe a global middleware misconfiguration but do not have more than around a month or two's worth of experience in wasp so was hoping someone who knows a little bit more than I do might have an idea of what might have happened. Lmk & thx.
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