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Migrating Wasp / OpenSaaS app from 0.11.8 to the latest version

Wasp ppls, I have a Wasp / Open SaaS app that is currently at v0.11.8, and I want to migrate it to the latest one. What is the migration path I should follow? Shall I go through every release note and incrementally update from one version to another, or is there an easier way? Thanks for helping a fellow Wasp user 😄...

Query an entity throws "unexpected token: entities" Error

Hi everyone. I try to query an entity as follow: Wasp File: query findQRCodeById {...

What is the best place to initialize tracking on the backend

What is the best place to initialize tracking on the backend

S3 files can't update

Hi everyone ! Im using the File Upload demo with opensaas but when I delete files directly in the s3, it do not update in the app. Do you know anyway I could fix that ?
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Auth hooks not triggering

Hi everyone! BE engineer dipping my toes in web dev thanks to Wasp. Struggling to implement an OnAfterSignup hook based on the 0.14.0 release instructions, but my hook isn't triggered on signup. Here's my code: ```...

How do I access the user's email when they signed up with google

How do I access the user's email when they signed up with google, the email column is null when they signed up with google

Unable to tunnel to production db

I set my databse_URL to my production db following the instructions here: https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/1464 and when running wasb db studio I get this error, "The database needs to be running in order to execute this command. You can easily start a managed dev database with wasp start db."

Dynamic Route

In Nextjs you can have a route such as api/someName/[action].ts and action is dynamic. Is this possible with Wasp?...

redirect incoming request to a path with a new header

Is there a way to redirect a request coming to a path like /blog*? I am trying to add an Astro blog to our app which will be on a different machine. So all requests to /blog need to be routed to the Astro machine. I am using Fly so there is an easy way to do this using the Fly-Replay header. Here's the implementation in Express app.all('/blog*', function replayToBlog(req, res) {...

Entire app being invisible if ad blocker is enabled

At first I thought something was broken, but then I turned off my ad blocker and realised that the entire website is invisible otherwise. Could someone guide me to where I could fix this?...
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blank page

i didnt make any changes i started the app fresh from the terminal and got a blank screen nothing it showing up in the locahost and i followed the instrcutions this is for the saas template by the way

Routing issues with signup/login

I'm using the provided boilerplate for signup/login, which use the <SignupForm> and <LoginForm> which appear to be provided by wasp. When user clicks the Login or Signup buttons, there is an error either /api/auth/username/login or /api/auth/username/signup are 404. It is not clear what is happening, do we need to supply code for these routes?...


Hey! I have enabled HTTPS using the following code: main.wasp file:...

How to access user's fields on FE from child table

I have User and BusinessDetails tables in my app and they have a one to one relationship: ``` entity User {=psl id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) ...

Google Analytics seems not working

I have deployed the client to Netlify with REACT_APP_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID=xxx npm build, but it seems that it is not linked yet. How to check whether the Google Analytics is installed correctly in the website?...
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Enabling Auth Required Isnt Routing to /login

When I enable authRequired: true in my main.wasp, its not routing to what onAuthFailedRedirectTo is set to. Rather I get a network error and Mozillas console is stating CORS error. I didnt used to get this error so Im unsure on how to remediate it. Any Help appreciated. Wasp Version 0.14.0. I am using Supabase as an external DB if that could be creating an issue.
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Update Google Auth style

Hi I currently using google auth for my app and I want update the Google Auth styles and labels, wondering how should I approach this, as this component is created behind the scenes by wasp and less control on configuration #auth #google...

Fly.io 3 Free VMs

"Fly provides free allowances for up to 3 VMs (so deploying a Wasp app to a new account is free)" Is this still valid? On its website:...

Error: browserType.launch: Executable doesn't exist at

Hi there im trying to launch "Playwright Test " but im getting this error. Any clue on how to fix it ?
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How to contribute to the SaaS template?

I have 10 micro SaaS applications that I am building. Have a few changes to make to the base SaaS which I think everyone could benefit from. What is the best way for me to provide the SaaS changes?